Add New Tax Template

On this page you can Add New Tax Template by clicking on the Tax Template (+) button in the Taxes page.

The system will require you to fill in the ID, Name and Display Name for Documents fields.

From the section on the right you can choose whether you want the taxes to be included or excluded from the deal.

You can choose Sales and Orders. You will be required to fill in the Column for basis (sales/orders) and Column for taxes (sales/orders).

You can choose whether the tax template will be default or accountable.

In case you want to add a VIES reference, you will be required to fill in the Column for basis and the Column for taxes.

In case you want to require a protocol, you will have to choose a Tax System for numbering.

You can choose a certain company to use the tax template.

When you finish with the settings for the New Tax Template, you can either Confirm or Close.
