Categories & Characteristics

On this page you can add or edit groups. The screen is divided in three main sections – Header (1), Tabs (2) and Results (3).

Within the Header (1) section you can see several buttons – Re-indexing, (+) Items group, (+) Services group, (+) Operations group, (+) Property and (+) Nomenclature. With them you can add new status, characteristic or nomenclature.

Depending on which Tab (2) you click, you will see different Result (3) section: Items groups, Services groups, Transactions groups, Characteristics, Nomenclatures.

Above the Items groups tab you will find a search bar that allows you to manually search for an item. On the right of the search bar you will find four buttons, respectively for clearing the search bar, opening all of the item groups, closing all of the item groups and exporting to XLS file. When you close all of the item groups, you will see a list with the main ones. For each item group you will see ID, Name, Position and Characteristics, which are described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the item group
Name Shows the Name of the item group
Position Shows the Position of each item group
Characteristics Shows the characteristics for each item group

There are also a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Add New Group
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Edit the information of every group
Delete Group Allows you to delete the group

Above the Services groups tab you will find a search bar that allows you to manually search for a service. On the right of the search bar you will find four buttons, respectively for clearing the search bar, opening all of the service groups, closing all of the service groups and exporting to XLS file.

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the service group
Name Shows the Name of the service group
Position Shows the Position of each service group
Characteristics Shows the characteristics of each service item group

There are also a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Add New Service Group
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Edit the information of each service group
Delete Group Allows you to delete the service group

Above the Transactions group tab you will find a search bar that allows you to manually search for a service. On the right of the search bar you will find four buttons, respectively for clearing the search bar, opening all of the transaction groups, closing all of the transaction groups and exporting to XLS file.

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the transaction group
Name Shows the Name of the transaction group
Position Shows the Position of each transaction group
Characteristics Shows the characteristics of each transaction item group

There are also a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Add New Transaction Group
Add/Edit Group Allows you to Edit the information of each transaction group
Delete Group Allows you to delete the transaction group

Within the Characteristics tab you can find a blue magnifier that allows you to filter the results in the tab by different characteristics. Information about every characteristic is given in columns – ID, Name, Type, Guiding Characteristics, Definition, that are described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the characteristic
Name Shows the Name of the characteristic
Type Shows the type of the characteristic – Nomenclature, Text, Date
Guiding Characteristics Shows if there are guiding characteristics
Definition Shows the definition (if any)

There are also a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Status Allows you to change the status Up or Down
Add/Edit Characteristic Allows you to Edit the information of every Characteristic
Delete Characteristic Allows you to delete the Characteristic

Within the Nomenclature tab you can find a blue magnifier that allows you to filter the results in the tab by different characteristics. Information about the Name of every nomenclature is given in a column in the results list.

There are also a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Nomenclature Elements Allows you to add new elements to the nomenclature
Add/Edit Nomenclature Allows you to Edit the information of every nomenclature
Delete Nomenclature Allows you to delete the nomenclature