New Account

On this page you can create a New Account by clicking on the green Add (+) button in the Accounts page.

The system will require you to fill the Name of the account. You also have to select the Type the account (cashier, bank account or virtual account), the Currency (may be multi-currency) and the Company.

You can select the responsible people for the specific account (e. g. people who will bring in revenues and expenses) by clicking on their names in the list named Accountable people and then pressing the corresponding arrow.

To make a multi-currency account, click on the check box named Multi-currency account.

If the account is going to be recorded manually, click on the check box named Without accounting records.

Check the box named Integration account to enter detailed integration settings.

Most system interfaces handle rights by roles. Only financial accounts and warehouses are exceptions. The responsibility there is personal. That is why financially responsible people are individual users.
