Countries & Settlements

On this page you can adjust to the Countries & Settlements. The screen is divided into three main sections: Header (1), Tabs (2) and Results (3).

On the top right of the Header (1) section you can find five buttons which allow you to add Country (+), County (+), City (+), District (+), Street (+).

Depending on the Tabs (2) you choose, you will see a different Result (3) section. Respectively you will see Countries, Counties, Countries & Settlements, Districts or Services.

In the Countries tab you can see information about the different countries, described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the document
Name Shows the name of the country
ID Shows the code of the country
Number of Addresses Shows the number of addresses in this country
Intrastat Shows if the country is part of the instastat system

In the Counties tab you can see information about the different counties, described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the document
ID Shows the code of the county
Name Shows the name of the county
Country Name Shows the name of the country for this county
Number of Addresses Shows the number of addresses in this county

In the Countries & Settlements tab you can see information about the different countries & settlements described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the document
Name Shows the name of the city
County Shows the name of the county
Country Shows the name of the country
ID Shows the ID of the country
Postal Code Shows the postal code of the country
Number of Addresses Shows the number of addresses in this country or settlement

In the District tab you can see information about the different districts, described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the document
Name Shows the name of the district
City Shows the name of the city for this district
Number of Addresses Shows the number of addresses in this district

In the Services tab you can see information about the different services, described in the table below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the document
Name Shows the name of the street
District Shows the name of the district
City Shows the name of the city
Number of addresses Shows the number of addresses on this street

In the top left corner there is a blue magnifier that allows you to manually search for a specific country or settlement.

At the end of every line in all of the tabs you have three additional buttons:

Column Meaning
Allows you to view more information
Allows you to Add/Edit the line
Allows you to add a replacement country