Purchases – average prices

On the Purchases – average prices screen you can find summarized information for the average prices of your purchases. The screen is divided into several sections: Header (1), Filter (2) and Result (3).

Within the Header (1) section you can find a blue magnifier button that’s used to show and hide the Filter section.

When the Filter (2) section is shown, you can use it to filter purchases on specific criteria. The available options are summarized in the following table:

Date range (From, To)Allows you to filter your results based on the time the purchase happened
CompanyAllows you to filter based on the company that made the purchase
OfficeAllows you to choose the office where the purchases were made
Supplier typesAllows you to filter based on client type – like an online supplier or a printing house
SuppliersAllows you to filter based on a specific supplier
TraderAllows you to filter based on the person who made the order
Item TypeAllows you to filter based on the item type – like goods, material, product or services
ItemAllows you to filter for a specific item
Item setAllows you to filter based on the item set
GroupsAllows you to filter based on groups (if already defined in the system)
BrandAllows you to filter based on brand
SearchCustom search for something specific

By default the system will show you all prices without taxes. If you would like to see the prices with Tax included, you have to check the box Price inc-tax.

The Results (3) section shows you the purchases that happened based on the Filter criteria. By default the system will show the following columns:

NameName of the item
BrandBrand of the item
PricesAmount of different prices
PurchasesNumber of purchases
QtyQuantity of purchased items 
AmountTotal amount of the purchases 
MinMinimum price
MaxMaximum price
Average priceAverage price (based on Min, Max and purchased quantities)
Standard deviationThe dispersion of the different prices
