Add New BOM Item

On this page you can create a new BOM item.

When you are adding a BOM item, you can choose the Item SKU to be entered manually or automatically generated by the systemand you can fill in the Name field. You can choose whether the item is for sale or purchase. You can enter an Intrastat ID. You have to pick the Tracking Method – the options would be Without Tracking Number, Serial #, Batch, Label. You can also add a barcode number and description.

The system requires you to choose at least one unit of measurement from the units of measurement registered in the system and fill in the necessary information for the certain item – UM, Digits for Quantity, Formula, Weight, kg, Gross Weight, kg, Height, m, Width, m, Depth, m, whether the item is for purchasing or selling, and if this is the main (1) UM or an additional UM, which are shown at the beginning of the line. The information is in columns that are described in the table below:

Column Meaning
1, 2 Shows which is the Default unit of measurement and which is the additional unit of measurement
UM Shows the unit of measurement selected for the BOM item
Digits for Quantity Allows you to enter the quantity of the BOM item
Formula Shows the formula for the BOM item
Weight, kg Allows you to enter the weight of the BOM item in kg.
Gross weight, kg Allows you to enter the gross weight of the BOM item in kg.
Height, m Allows you to enter the height of the BOM item in meters
Width, m Allows you to enter the width of the BOM item in meters
Depth, m Allows you to enter the depth of the BOM item in meters
P, S Allows you to choose if the BOM item is for purchasing, selling or both
1, 2 Shows which position is selected for the default and additional unit of measurement

The system will require you to choose a group (you can’t choose a group that has subgroups). Different groups have different characteristics that appear after you choose the particular group.

You can choose Type, Supplier, ID of the item, Name of the BOM item and UM (for the supplier of the item). You can also choose to add a photo of an item or attach files, add information about the files that you will see in the list at the bottom part of the screen. The information for the selected files and photos is in columns, which are described in the table below:

Column Meaning
Name Shows the name of the file or image selected
Size Shows the size of the file or image selected
Upload Date Shows the upload date of the file or image selected
Last Edit Date Shows the last edit date of the file or image selected
Uploaded by Shows who uploaded the file or image

After you finish with the settings for the item, you can Confirm or Cancel the BOM item.
