
The roles in the system allow you to work not with a specific user but with an abstraction “Role” (position in the company). Once you set the permissions by roles, when replacing an employee, the only thing you have to do is to specify in which roles the new employee is going to participate. Working with roles also simplifies the intercompany work, because it’s not necessary to refer to an employee but to a role instead. For example, if something has to be checked by accounting, it’s simply enough to direct it to the “Accounting” role, instead of a specific person whose name you may not even know.

The roles in the system are arranged in a hierarchical structure. This is handy because in different places, functionality allows escalation (leveling up a task), referring a user down by the hierarchy and other similar functionalities.

Often within the organization settings, we create parallel hierarchy of roles. For example, the first will be by position, and the second one by projects. This simplifies the delicate settings a user should have.

Managing Roles

On this page you can manage the roles in the system. The screen is divided in two main sections: Header (1) and List (2).

Within the Header (1) section you have a green Add (+) button that allows you to create a New Role.

Within the List (2) section you can see all the roles that you have entered in the system. The information is shown in columns that are described in the table below:

Column Meaning
Role Name of the role
ID ID of the role
Position Position of the role
ID/Code ID/Code of the role
Description Description of the role (if any)

Plus a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Position Allows you to change the position Up/Down
Add Allows you to Add New Role
Edit Allows you to Edit an existing role
Delete Allows you to Delete a role