Accounting Availability

On this page you can get information about your Accounting Transactions. The screen is divided into three main sections: Header (1), Filter (2) and Results (3).

Within the Header (1) section you can Add Store-out from the button on the right side of the section.

In the next Filter (2) section you can filter the Results (3) section based on something specific like Date Range and Warehouse (store-in/store-out), described in the table below:

Option Meaning
Date Range Allows you to filter your accounting transactions results based on the date range
Warehouse Allows you to see the accounting transactions for stored-in or stored-out items

After choosing the filters you want, you can use the grey magnifier button – , to apply your filters and get your results. The system will show you the information with the following columns:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the item
Name Shows the name of the item
Brand Shows the brand of the item
Availability Shows the stored-in or stored-out availability
Availability Now Shows the availability of the items now
Cost Shows the cost of one item
Quantity Sales Shows the sold quantity
Amount Shows the amount of the item
Percent Shows the percent of the item
Pending Store-out Shows the items that are pending store-out
Difference Shows the difference between available now and pending store-out

You have an extra button, which allows you to see the record of each particular item.

Under the results list you can see the total amount of the Availability, Availability Now, Cost, Quantity Sales, Amount, Percent and Pending store-out in the list.
