Create Retail Sales Statements

On the Create Retail Sales Statements screen you can see the retail sales within a specific period and then create a new Retail Sales Statement if needed. The screen is divided into three main sections: Header (1), Filter (2) and Result (3).

Within the Header (1) you can find a button that allows you to Issue a new Retail Sales Statement. There is also a blue magnifier button that’s used to show and hide the Filter section.

The buttons within the Filter (2) section allow you to filter based on something specific like a Date range, Company, Period, Grouping. Most of them are drop down menus where you can select your filters. The different options are described in the table below:

Option Meaning
Date range (From, To) Allows you to filter your results based on the date of the financial document
Company The company for which the financial document was created
Period Allows you to choose the period for the document. You have three options – Daily, Weekly and Monthly
Grouping Allows you to filter the documents by group. You have three options – By POS, By Company and By Office

After choosing the filters you want, you can use the grey magnifier button – , to apply your filters and get your results. You will get a table with the following columns:

Column Meaning
Type Shows the type of financial document selected for each financial document
Document Number Shows the specific number for each financial document
Date Document date
Client Shows the client the document was issued for
Office Shows the office from which the document was issued
Currency Shows the currency selected for a specific document
Amount Shows the amount without taxes
Tax Shows the tax based on the amount
Total Shows the total amount with taxes

Plus an extra button:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
More info Opens more info for the financial document – its record

Once you have found the documents you need, you can click the new Retail Sales Statement button in the Header section to create a new statement or statements.
