
On this page you can Add/Edit Warehouses. The screen is divided in two main sections Header (1) and List (2).

Within the Header (1) section you have a green (+) Add button that allows you to add a new warehouse to the list.

Above the list you have a search bar, which allows you to manually search for a warehouse. On the right side of the search bar, you have four buttons respectively for clearing the search bar, opening all of the warehouses, closing all of the warehouses and exporting to XLS file.

Within the List (2) section you can see different warehouses, which are described in the columns below:

Column Meaning
ID Shows the ID of the warehouse
Name Shows the Name of the warehouse
Company Shows the Company that owns the warehouse
Active Shows if the warehouse is Active or not
Negative Quantities Shows if the system allows working with Negative Quantities
Floors Shows how many floors the warehouse has
Lines Shows how many Lines the warehouse has
Sectors Shows how many Sectors the warehouse has

Plus a few additional buttons:

Button Mouse over text Meaning
Permissions Allows you to Edit Permissions of the warehouse
Add/Edit Warehouse Allows you to Add New Warehouse or Edit an Existing one
Add/Edit Warehouse Allows you to Edit a Warehouse
Delete Warehouse Allows you to Delete a Warehouse
Add/Edit Numbering Allows you to Edit the Numbering for the Warehouse