Counterparty file

The contractor file gives a very important perspective of the job – 360-degree customer service. The integration of the systems ensures a wealth of real-time information in each customer’s file, something that is critical to adequately serving them and helping the sales team make quick decisions.

The counterparty profile in the CRM module is a universal interface for both making inquiries and performing various operations. It contains information collected from all other modules of the system. Employees can view the status of orders, invoices, payments, as well as current and future deliveries to offices and warehouses.

The file itself offers a multitude of analyses and graphs, as well as aggregated information on the status of the counterparty – sales/order volume, receivables, payables, available advances and deposits, balance sheet. All of this is quite enough to be able to see its current state at a glance.

In the file you will also find information with contact persons, addresses, bank accounts, who has made transactions with him, events, as well as the ability to upload different file formats and documents. With a glance at the contractor’s file, it is easy to get a complete picture, in addition to your financial relationship with him, and the ways to make quick contact when needed.

The contractor profile can be customized to meet your organization’s specific requirements. The setup of the overall view( which tabs and subtabs respectively), what to see and what is redundant as well as from which roles can be done from the Contractor File Setup.

The file consists of Header (1), Tabs (2) and Subtabs (3):

All actions related to the counterparty are uploaded as buttons in the Header(1), and the counterparty’s name is on the left:

OperationOpens the creation of a new financial, warehouse or payment operation. The button gives quick access to frequently used operations depending on the counterparty type so you don’t have to exit the file:
sale/order from supplier
bank debit/credit
debit note/debit note for expenses
spelling / storage
cash voucher/credit voucher
credit note/credit note for expenditure
– reversal of discharge
reversal of sale
cancellation of an order from a supplier
Invoice for income / invoice for expenditure
Edit counterparty data
Add a comment to the counterparty
Add a new event
Change the view of the file by showing or hiding the filter
Change the view of the file to show or hide graphics
Close the file and return to the list of contractors

All information according to the counterparty type is found in the Tabs (2) and Subtabs (3), with the subtabs showing additional information according to the Tab they are in:

SummaryThe table in shows a breakdown for the last 12 months of several indicators. See the detailed explanation below in Table in Tab Summary (5).

Button to set default sales limits and price lists for a specific customer
OffersList of offers, filter and table management options
SalesSales list, filter option and table management
Financial documentsList of financial documents, ability to filter and manage the table
PaymentsPayment list, filter and table management options
RentalsList of items rented, ability to filter by contract and table management
ContractsList of contracts and the ability to manage the table
Customer cardsCustomer card list and table management capability
SummaryThe table in shows a breakdown for the last 12 months of several indicators. See the detailed explanation below in Table in Tab Summary (5).
OrdersOrder list, filter and table management options
Discounts on deliveries!!!!!!!
Financial documentsList of financial documents, ability to filter and manage the table
PaymentsPayment list, filter and table management options
Items per supplierList of supplier items, filter and table management options
Financial documentsList of financial documents, ability to filter and manage the table
PaymentsPayment list, filter and table management options
ContactThe field displays basic contact information for faster access. Includes counterparty type, status, legal type, primary address, MOL, vendor, eMail, and phone.
Contact personsList of contact persons and table management option
AddressesAddress list and table management capability
Bank accountsList of bank accounts and the ability to manage the table
EventsEvent list and table management capability
Files and documentsList of contractor attachments and documents
UsersList of users for client portal and ability to manage tables
Flight formsA list of all counterparty-specific fields displayed on the printed document forms
Companies in the holdingList of subsidiaries participating in the holding company (if the contractor is of the holding company type)

Dashboards in Contractor File

The charts in Tabs (2) and Subtabs (3) show aggregated information about the status of the counterparty that will help you quickly navigate your business relationship with them.

Basic Dashboard (4)

The main Dashboard consists of a bar chart on the left and summary data on the right. It can be hidden with the button in the Header (1) and shown again with it.

The chart shows the values of several of the most important parameters for the counterparty from the moment you started working with it, i.e. from the first entered document. Displays all sales, orders, invoices, payments, payables and other documents, depending on the type of counterparty.

Everything you can turn on and off in the chart is displayed just below it. It works by clicking on the desired parameter, which uploads it to the chart or downloads it from the chart.

The aggregated data show the following indicators without start and end dates:

IndicatorMeaning of
BidSum of all offers
SoldSum of all sales/orders with taxes
InvoicedThe sum of all invoices issued/registered
PaidSum of all payments
AdvancesThe amount of all advances taken
DepositAmount of all deposits
UnallocatedSum of all unallocated payments
BalanceThe difference between what was invoiced and what was paid. Invoiced – Paid = Balance
SalesSum of all sales excluding taxes
RevenueThe amount of all revenue documents
CostsThe amount of all expenditure documents
ProfitThe profit is calculated by subtracting the amount given for the acquisition of the goods from the amount of sales excluding VAT

Table in tab Summary (5)

The table in the Summary tab shows a breakdown for the last 12 months of the following indicators:

IndicatorMeaning of
Offers/ Inquiries for ordersSum of all offers/requests for orders by month
Sales/GunsSum of all sales/orders by month
InvoicesSum of all invoices issued/registered for the month
PaymentsSum of all payments by month
Receivables/ PayablesThe difference between the amount of invoices minus the amount of payments by month
CostsSum of all expenditure by month
ProfitThe profit is calculated by subtracting the amount given for the acquisition of the goods from the amount of sales excluding VAT
Profit, %Profit in percentage

Additional Dashboard (6)

The three charts in the additional Dashboard in the Summary tab show which are the 5 most preferred items and/or services by the customer, as well as what your profit is from them.

IndicatorMeaning of
Chart Top 5The five best selling items/services of the customer
Chart Top 5 ProfitProfit from the customer’s top five selling items/services
Chart Top 5 Profit %Profit from the top five selling items/services to the customer in percentage