Inventories – Unfolded

Interface for operation and management of stock by items/products/materials. Its main purpose is to present an overview of which warehouse an item is available in, showing the stock in all warehouses that you have rights (at least) to see.

If in the case of stock the leading parameter is the warehouse and you can see what stock is specifically in it, then here the leading parameter is the item. The interface replaces searching for an item stock by stock and offers a convenient way to track/compare quantities between warehouses.

The interface consists of Header (1), Filter (2) and Result (3):

Header (1)

In the Header (1) you see the name of the interface you are working with.

Filter (2)

Filter/ checkerDescription
WarehouseSelect for which warehouse(s) you will view stock. Your stocks are ordered as columns in the Result (3).
Search for an itemIn the free Search box you can search by word, code, brand, etc. to find the item you want to see available.
Show rentalsPlacing a check in “Show Rentals” adds a column with the quantity of rented items.
Advanced filterThe advanced filter adds search fields by Category, Brand, Features and Supplier, which can help you find items faster.

Result (3)

The result (3) is governed by the criteria selected in Filter (2). The stock information is shown in a table with columns indicating the names of the warehouses selected in Filter (2), as well as the following columns:

CodeArticle code
NameItem name
Opens item file
DescriptionItem description
BrandBrand of the item
CategoryCategory of item
MeasureShows the measure of the item
WarehouseShows the availability of the item in the selected warehouse
AllCollects the stock of the given item from all selected warehouses.
