Add/Edit row from Move

Interface to add a row to move after you have selected a specific item.

The screen is divided into several parts: item summary (1), order details (2), description (3) and stock (4).

Item Information Summary (1)

In this section you will find summary information about the item of the nomenclature you are adding. The field is informative only and you cannot change anything in it. Contains the following information:

CodeArticle code
NameItem name
BrandBrand of the item
CategoryCategory of item
DescriptionItem description

Order details (2)

In section Line details (2) you fill in the following fields concerning what quantity in which unit of measure you will move:

MeasureIn what measure will be the item you are moving. Choose from the units associated with the item.
QuantityWhat quantity do you add from the selected measure of the item.
AllTotal quantity to move from the selected item.

Description (3)

The description of the item is automatically filled in the field. In case it is not filled in beforehand, the user can fill it in free text. The field is optional.

Inventories by warehouse (4)

The Warehouse stock for pick ing tab shows the stock of the selected item in the warehouse from which the move is starting, in a table with the following columns:

WarehouseDisplays the stock in the warehouse selected for picking.
SubstoreDisplays the stock in the sub-stores of the warehouse selected for picking.
SiteShows the availability by storage site.
MeasureMeasure of the selected item.
QuantityAvailable quantity of the selected item.
BatchDisplays batches of available items.
Columns according to characteristicsDisplays more columns according to the items characteristics.

The Warehouse Stock for Storage tab shows the stock of the selected item in the warehouse where the move will be performed, in a table with the following columns:

WarehouseDisplays the stock in the warehouse selected for storage.
SubstoreDisplays the stock in the sub-stores of the warehouse selected for storage.
SiteDisplays the availability by storage area in the storage warehouse.
MeasureMeasure of the selected item.
QuantityAvailable quantity of the selected item in the warehouse for stocking.
BatchDisplays batches of available items in the warehouse for storage.

To save your changes and add the item to the Move rows, you must click the Confirm button. If you want to exit the interface and return to Move without saving your changes, you must click the Close button.
