Create Shipping

The interface consists of Header (1), Delivery from (2), Delivery to (3), Document Data (4), Lines (5), Description and Note (6) and Configuration of how to add lines (7):

Header (1)

In the Header (1) you see the name of the document you are creating and two buttons for Confirm and Cancel delivery.

Delivery from (2)

In the Delivery from field (2) you specify where the delivery comes from and you can select the following options:

  • No
  • Contractor/Contract
  • Warehouse

Delivery to (3)

In the Delivery to (3 ) field, you specify which warehouse you want the items to be ordered into. If you are the MOL of the selected warehouse, you are presented with a “Create next operation” option. If you put a check on “Create Next Transaction”, as the delivery is confirmed, the system will generate a Warehouse Entry which will enter the goods into the warehouse and complete the Delivery.

Note that Delivery is an intermediate, logistical operation and is usually a subsequent operation to another- e.g. Order, Move, etc., so the From (2) and To (3) fields are usually loaded automatically.

Document details (4)

The Document Details field (4) includes the following parameters:

Номер на документаНомерът на документа се генерира автоматично според зададените правила за номерация. Когато документът е запазен, датата и часът също се запазват. Всички документи, които се генерират автоматично, взимат тези дата и час, освен ако не са променени изрично.
Ръчен номерСлагане на отметка „Ръчен номер“ прави полето за Номер свободно за писане. Потребителят решава с какъв номер ще бъде документа.
Дата на документаДата на издаване на документа. Зарежда автоматично текуща дата, но може да се промени от потребителя.

Lines (5)

In the Lines section (5) you can manually enter items for delivery, add items from previous transactions or add them via an XLS file.

Manually adding items is done by clicking the button with the corresponding name. You are presented with an interface with all items in the nomenclature. The interface consists of Filter (1) and Result (2):

The image cannot have an empty alt attribute; the file name is add-to-hide.png

In the free Search box you can search by word, code, brand, etc. to find the item you want. You also have the option to turn on an Advanced Filter with Categories, Brand, Features and Supplier, which can help you find things faster. In addition, you can further filter by available items only. The search is launched with the Magnifying Glass on the left, and the Hicks clears all filters.

The items/services found according to the criteria set by the Filter are ranked in the Result (2). The table consists of the following columns:

Opens the interface to add an item in detail
CodeArticle code
NameItem name
Opens item file
FreeShows how many pieces are left free in the warehouse

The items added from the detail add interface are arranged in Row (5) in a table with the following columns:

WarehouseWarehouse/sub-warehouse for storage
CodeArticle code
NameItem name
Item file
MeasureMeasure of the item
QuantityStorage quantity
Opens the line for editing
Deletes row

In addition to the columns containing basic information, you can include and exclude additional columns of detailed data by means of check boxes :

Supplier code Supplier code
Supplier Name of supplier
Description Item description
Category Category of item
Brand Brand of the item
Batch Batch of item
WeightDisplays the weight of the item as set in its file.
VolumeDisplays the volume of the item as set in its file.

Description and Note (6)

В полето Описание се попълва в свободен текст описанието на документа. Описанието се визуализира на печатната бланка.

В Бележка може да попълните каквато информация смятате за нужна в свободен текст. Бележката не се визуализира на печатната бланка, а е по-скоро за вътрешно ползване.

Configuration of how to add rows (7)

Начините за добавяне на артикули и услуги се управляват от Конфигурация на начина за добавяне на редове.

Изгледи на Екран Продукти и Елементи
Двата варианта- Вътрешен и Страничен изглед се сменят чрез поставяне на тикче в желания изглед в Конфигурацията. С тях се работи по един и същ начин.

За да запазите промените, трябва да натиснете бутона Потвърди в Хедъра. Ако искате да излезете без да запазите промените, трябва да натиснете бутона Затвори.
