
Interface for management of completions. Here you get information about your kits and can filter the result by different criteria. The screen is divided into three main parts: Header (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

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In the Header (1) you see a blue button with a magnifying glass that allows you to hide and show the Filter.

When the Filter is visible, you will find three buttons on the left – Documents, Lines and Items. They change the Result.

  • If you have selected Documents , the result is a list of sales and moves for which you can do a complete;
  • If you selected Rows, the result is a list of specific items for each sales row. If you have three items within the same sales line, you will see three different lines listed for the same sales line.
  • If you selected Items, the result is a list of items that have been sold/moved. The list also shows the aggregated quantities of the items.

The other fields in the Filter allow you to search based on something specific. Most are selected from drop-down menus. The different options are described in the table below:

From date/To date Filter based on when the sale took place
CompanyFilter based on the company that made the sale
OfficeFilter based on the office from which the sale took place
Method of deliveryFilter based on delivery method
ClientFilter based on customer
AddressFilter based on address
Blocking in the warehouseFilter based on blocked items in stock

If you selected Documents in the Filter, the result will be a list of sales based on the criteria you specified. The information is summarised in a list with the following columns:

TypeDisplays document type – Payment/Sale
NumberDisplays document number
DateDisplays the date the document was created
Date for dispatchDisplays date of dispatch (if any)
CompanyIndicates the company using the system
OfficeShows the office from which the sale/move was issued
ClientShows the customer for whom the sale is
RecipientShows the contact person
Address for deliveryShows delivery address
Method of deliveryShows delivery method
Method of invoicingShows billing method
PaymentShows payment method
Currency Shows currency on sale
PriceShows the price of the items on sale
Paid Shows the amount paid
Financial documentShows financial document to sale/move
BlockedDisplays blocked warehouse items on POS
Insufficient quantitiesDisplays the quantities needed to complete the sale but not available in the warehouse

You can perform the following actions on the list:

Button Mouse over text Description

Filter by customer Filters by customer and will only give you information about that customer’s deposits

Filter by delivery method Filters by delivery method and will only give you information on sales with that delivery method

More information You open a sale file
StaffingComplete the sale/move
PrintPrint the financial document

You can add the following columns to the list:

DescriptionDisplays the description of the document (if any)
Description for internal use Displays the description for internal use (if any)

If you selected Rows in the Filter, the result will be a list of the specific items for the sales/order rows. The information is summarised in a list with the following columns:

TypeSame as above
NumberSame as above
DateSame as above
Date for dispatchSame as above
CompanySame as above
OfficeSame as above
ClientSame as above
Code Item code
NameItem name
BrandBrand of item
RecipientSame as above
Address for deliverySame as above
Method of deliverySame as above
Method of invoicingSame as above
PaymentSame as above
MeasureMeasure of item
QuantityQuantity of items on order/sale
Currency Same as above
PriceSame as above
Paid Same as above
Financial documentSame as above
BlockedSame as above
Insufficient quantitiesSame as above

You can add the following columns to the list:

DescriptionDisplays the description of the document (if any)
Description for internal use Displays the description for internal use (if any)

If you have selected Items in the Filter, the result will be a list of items with their sales summary information. The system will show you the following columns:

Column Description
Code Article code
Name Item name
Brand Brand of the item
Measure Measure of the item
Quantity The quantity on removal/sale
AvailableAvailable items in stock

With this description we have exhausted all the results and all possible actions on them.
