
Course management interface. Here you get information about your courses and can filter the result by different criteria. The screen is divided into three main parts: Header (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

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In the Header (1) you see a button that allows you to create a New Course. You also see a blue magnifying glass button that allows you to hide and show the Filter.

When the Filter is visible, you will find two buttons on the left side – Documents and Rows.

  • If you selected Documents , the result is a list of courses;
  • If you selected Rows, the result is a list of specific operations for each row of courses. If you have three operations within the same row of courses, you will see three different rows listed for the same row of courses.

The other fields in the Filter allow you to search based on something specific. Most are selected from drop-down menus. The different options are described in the table below:

From date/To date Filter based on when the sale took place
Car Filter based on cars
DriversFilter based on drivers
Method of deliveryFilter based on delivery method
ClientFilter based on customer
StatusFilter based on course status – Confirmed/Active
Number of operationAllows you to search for a specific number

If you selected Documents in the Filter, the result will be a list of courses based on the criteria you specified. The information is summarised in a list with the following columns:

Document numberDisplays document number
DateDisplays the date the document was created
Method of deliveryShows delivery method
OperationsShows related operations
QuantityDisplays the quantity set by documents (that you want to be driven)
Quantity in the courseDisplays the quantity that is in shipment (that you are now shipping)

You can perform the following actions on the list:

Button Mouse over text Description

More information Open a course file
EditorialEdit course

You can add the following columns to the list:

DescriptionDisplays the description of the document (if any)
Description for internal use Displays the description for internal use (if any)
CarShows the vehicle for the expedition
DriverShows the driver for the expedition
KilometresShows the kilometers for an expedition
Volume Indicates delivery volume
WeightShows weight of delivery
PricesShows sales price

If you have selected Rows in the Filter, the result will be a list exactly similar to the previous one, except that you will see the addresses for the different course operations.
