Settings of item file

This page allows you to make settings on the item file. The screen is divided into three parts: Header (1), Tabs (2) and List (3).

In the upper right corner of the Header you see the Add button. This adds a new tab.


The list consists of all the tabs you have entered in the system

NameTab name
ArrangeArrangement numbering
File Interface
Related types Dependence on documents
Dependency on system settingsAccording to the type of subscription to use the system

You can perform the following actions on the list:

  • Add – add a new tab (successor);
  • Rights – you set the rights;
  • Edit – edit the file;
  • Delete – delete on tab.

The information in the file is on two levels. On the first level are:

  • Summary;
  • Item description.

At the second level are the individual components within each category of information:

  • Stock availability;
  • Contract availability;
  • Warehouse operations;
  • Localities;
  • Requests;
  • Sales;
  • Orders;
  • Characteristics;
  • Analogues – the analogues of the given item;
  • Related items.


This tab shows you a list of the items on the item file.
