Loading of stock

Stock replenishment report. Gives information on all items that are below minimum quantities and need restocking. As a result of working with the report, a stock request is generated.

On the screen you see Heather (1), Filter (2) and Score (3). In the Header you see the Request button. To create a request, you must have selected a warehouse in the filter.

The filter allows you to search:

  • From date/to date – period for expenditure on warehouse(s);
  • Company – by company, mandatory choice;
  • Warehouse – by warehouse;
  • Groups – by item group;
  • Brand – by brand of the item;
  • Search – combined text field for searching an item by code, name, description, brand and item group;
  • With required quantity only – the result shows only the items for which the required quantity is greater than 0.

The result is a list that consists of all items that match the conditions of the report and the filter used with the following information:

CodeItem code
NameItem name
BrandBrand of the item
MeasureMeasure of the item
Expenditure in the period Quantities of expenditure in the period
*If you have selected a warehouse, this field will also show warehouse locations
QuantityAvailable quantity of the item in all warehouses
* quantity for selected warehouse
Quantity in stock for refuelling**This column reappears only when you have selected stock in the filter
Minimum quantitySum of minimum quantities for all warehouses
* minimum for selected warehouse
Optimal quantitySum of optimum quantities for all warehouses
* optimal for the selected warehouse
Coming out Sum of unconfirmed quantities on Sales and Work Orders/Materials
* the sum of the unconfirmed quantities by Expeditions (excluding rentals) for the selected warehouse
Entering Amount of unconfirmed quantities on Orders and Work Orders/Products
* the sum of the unconfirmed Delivery quantities (excluding rentals) for the selected warehouse
Retrieved from Sum of unconfirmed quantities for all Requests
* the sum of unconfirmed quantities on Orders from the selected warehouse
Required quantity NC = Optimal – Available – In – Requested + Out
Displays a value only if the quantity available is less than or equal to the minimum quantity.
For requestQuantity that you enter manually and will be requested

You can perform the following actions on the search result list:

  • Editing of quantities for request.

In a multi-company system, the “Exclude intercompany sales” checkbox appears in the report. Checking it removes the calculation of sales in the “Sales in period” and “Expenditure in period” fields.
