Warehouse operations

Inventory and out – operations changing the stock. In order to set up such an operation you must be a stock MOL.

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A stock-out is a stock operation that does not change the stock of the items it contains.

Discharge may only be made by the person in charge of the warehouse concerned. Another prerequisite is that the item or items contained in the operation must be available in the warehouse, unless it is explicitly stated that the warehouse can operate with negative quantities from its settings.

If the item(s) is/are not available and the warehouse is not specified to be running on negative, then the system error “Insufficient quantities from …..” will be displayed when the checkout is confirmed and the transaction cannot be completed.

Confirmation of the pick can only be made when there is a sufficient quantity of the item(s). To input quantities of the selected item(s), you can do a warehouse revision, directly stock or request quantities via request or move, or place an order with your supplier.

The discharge contains information on:

  • warehouse from which the discharge will be made
  • customer to which the discharge will be made
  • document number and date
  • rows of spelling
    • warehouse
    • item code
    • name of the item
    • brand of the item
    • batch (if any)
    • measure of the item
    • quantity for discharge
    • stocks in the selected warehouse

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The warehousing part of the operations consists of shipping and storage. They are a stage in the implementation of the order. Inventory is a mandatory stage that carries all the accumulated costs of the purchase of the goods. It is not valid if we do not have a financial document.


