
The “Tasks” module organizes and optimizes the daily activities of employees by allowing the assignment of different tasks to all users in the system. The biggest advantage here is freedom – tasks can serve you as needed, for example:

  • as a way of managing day-to-day activities in the company. Each employee can assign ( as well as send tasks to another user) and use the module as a “To-do list” and calendar with all phone calls, meetings, emails, document issuance, etc.
  • as a way of internal communication. Instead of sending emails, Skype/ Viber/ Slack or any other communication channel, you can use the module to assign tasks to your employees with different priority, deadline etc.
  • as an internal ticketing system to receive complaints and complaints by phone/email/verbally. By logging a task, you can immediately trigger the complaint/complaint handling process by directing it to the correct department/employee.

В системата има още няколко интерфейса, които могат да бъдат полезни в работата на различните отдели. Това са т.нар. “Dashboards” или таблa, които променят предназначението си според модула, в който се намират. 


Dashboard Warehouse

Operational screen Warehouse contains concentrated information about:

– warehouse operations (picking, stocking, pending orders)

– stocks by item and quantity (available, minimum, optimum, incoming, outgoing, required, in, out)

Designed for: warehouse manager.

Dashboard Finance

Operational Finance screen contains concentrated information about:

– unpaid revenue, expenditure financial documents and unallocated payments

– liquidity statement (cash flow and expected cash flow)

Designed for: operational accountant, trader.

Dashboard Sales

The Operational Sales screen contains concentrated information on:

– sales in process and unpaid sales revenue

– sales reports by multiple sections

Designed for: salesman and sales manager.

Dashboard Orders

Operational Orders screen contains concentrated information about:

– outstanding orders and requests, unpaid expenses

– stocks by items and quantities (available, minimum, optimum, incoming, outgoing, required, in, out) and warehouse reports

Designed for: supplier, buyer, buyer.

Dashboard Management

Operational Management screen contains concentrated information and graphs about:

– sales, profits, income, expenses, receivables and payables

– cash, expected cash flow, liquidity and stock value

Designed for: company management.

Dashboard Results

The Operational Results screen contains concentrated information on:

– sales with statuses to customers of the trader made by other traders

– lists of all the trader’s customers, their sales and their statuses

Designed for: customer salesperson.
