POS report

On this interface you get information about POS and you can filter the result by different criteria. The screen is divided into several parts: Header (1), Filter (2), Summary (3), Sales (4), Payments (5), Financial Documents (6) and Merchants (7).

In the Filter (2) you select the period of interest of the POS you want to get information about. By default, the system will only give you information for a specific date. If you want to see About period, you need to tick the appropriate checkbox.

Under Filter (2) you see a section with General information (3) about the POS.

In the Sales section (4) you can see information about the POS sales. The information is summarised in a table with the following columns:

NumberNumber of sale
DateDate of sale
ClientCustomer associated with the sale
MerchantThe trader who made the sale
Financial documentThe financial document
Payment methodBank, Cash, etc.
Currency Currency of sale
SumAmount of sale
PaidWhat part of the amount has already been paid

In the Payments section (5) you can see information about the POS payments. The information is summarised in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
Number Payment number
Date Date of payment
Client Customer associated with payment
Merchant The trader who made the payment
Payment method Bank, Cash, etc.
By salesThe sale number associated with the payment
Currency Currency of payment
Sum of periodPayment made in the period
Out-of-period amount Payment made outside the period
TotalThe entire payment

Similarly, in the Financial documents(5) section you see information about the financial documents of the POS. The information is summarised in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
Number Same as above
Date Same as above
Client Same as above
Merchant Same as above
Document typeType of financial document
For SaleSales associated with the document
Currency Same as above
Sum of period Same as above
Out-of-period amount Same as above
Total Same as above

On the right, the Traders section (7) shows you information about individual traders. Shows percentage of transactions and amount.
