Add rows of operations for Storing

The interface consists of Filter (1) and List (2):

Filter (1)

The filter (1) consists of the following components that you use to manage the List (2):

From date
By date
Filter based on what is the date of the sale you want to reverse.
MerchantFilter based on the specified Merchant of sale.
Search ItemFree item search by code or name.
Advanced filterAdds additional filters by:
– Categories
– Brand
– Characteristics
– Supplier

The key to functionality is managing the way results are displayed – by item or by operation in the Filter (1). Depending on what is selected, List (2) will show you a different result:

List by items (2)

The system shows you List (2) with all items that have been sold to the Contractor:

CodeArticle code
NameItem name
MeasureMeasure of the item
QuantityItem quantity of all sales made in the selected period.
SumThe amount including VAT of all sales made including the item in the selected period.
Supplier codeOptionally, you can add a column with the supplier code of the item.

Once you have selected an item to reverse price or stock, you must also select a specific document. To do this, you need to click on the arrow at the end of the row, which will redirect you to the interface for selecting it.

For each type of credit, the interface contains a list of sales with the following columns:

Document numberNumber of the sale with which you sold the item to the customer
DateDate of sale
CodeArticle code
NameItem name
DescriptionItem description
MeasureMeasure of the item
QuantityThe original quantity in the sale- for example you have sold 5 laptops, it will say 5.
Storm quantityShows what is the maximum amount you can reverse.
When price reversal is always 1, for example – you have sold 5 laptops with a total value of 10 000 BGN. The quantity will always be 1, because you will add only one line in the reversal with some value.

In the case of a stock reversal, the reversal quantity will be equal to the quantity sold, e.g. you have sold 5 laptops for a total value of 10 000 BGN. If you want to credit 2 pcs of the 5, then in the reversal line you would need to add one line with 2pcs. Latops for a total value of 4 000lv.
SumSum of sales
Storm amountShows the maximum amount you can reverse.

You select which sale(s) you will reverse by placing checks in the List, then add the line with the Confirm button. When you have finished adding, you close the Select Items/Operations interface and in the Depreciation you specify how many items you will reverse in the Depreciated Quantity column (for stock) or what price you will credit in the Depreciated Amount column (for price).

List by operation (3)

The view by operations is the same as the second step in the view by items. It works in the same way and contains the following columns:

Document numberNumber of the sale with which you sold the item to the customer
DateDate of sale
CodeArticle code
NameItem name
DescriptionItem description
MeasureMeasure of the item
QuantityThe original quantity in the sale- for example you have sold 5 laptops, it will say 5.
Storm quantityShows what is the maximum amount you can reverse.
When price reversal is always 1, for example – you have sold 5 laptops with a total value of 10 000 BGN. The quantity will always be 1, because you will add only one line in the reversal with some value.

In the case of a stock reversal, the reversal quantity will be equal to the quantity sold, e.g. you have sold 5 laptops for a total value of 10 000 BGN. If you want to credit 2 pcs of the 5, then in the reversal line you would need to add one line with 2pcs. Latops for a total value of 4 000lv.
SumSum of sales
Storm amountShows the maximum amount you can reverse.

You select which sale(s) you will reverse by placing checks in the List, then add the line with the Confirm button. When you have finished adding, you close the Select Items/Operations interface and in the Depreciation you specify how many items you will reverse in the Depreciated Quantity column (for stock) or what price you will credit in the Depreciated Amount column (for price).

To save your changes, you need to click the Confirm button. If you want to exit without saving your changes, you need to click the Close button.
