
Interface for operational activity on offers. Here you get information about the offers and can filter the result by different criteria. The screen is divided into three main parts: Header (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

Header (1)

In the Header (1) you see a button with a drop-down menu that allows you to create an Offer, and next to it – a blue button with a funnel that hides and displays the Filter (2).

Filter (2)

In order to process your offers faster, monitor their status and development, the system provides you with different ways to filter the information coming from one or several channels. The search is started with the Magnifying Glass, and the Hicks clears all filters. In the table below you will see all the filters and their explanations:

FilterDescriptionFurther description of the options
ResultDocuments view (3.1)
– Document Lines view (3.2)
View Items (3.3)
PeriodChoose from a drop-down menu for which period you want the offers to appear. Works by offer date. The possible options are:
– Today
– Yesterday
– The last 7 days
– Last 30 days
– The last 365 days
– Current month
– Previous month
– Current quarter
– Previous quarter
– Current year
– Previous year
– To date – shows all offers to date, from the first offer entered into the system, regardless of date.
You select specific dates as the period for which the offers are displayed. Works by offer date.
OfficeFilter by the office from which the offers were created.
POSFilter by the POS from which the offers were created.
Customer typeFilter by Customer Type to which the offers are created.
ClientFilter by the specific customer to which the offers are created.
MerchantFilter by Merchant selected in the offer.
InvoicingFilter by the Billing Method with which the offers were created. The possible options are:
– Invoice
– Receipt
– Cash voucher
PaymentFilter by the Payment Method with which the offers were created.
StatusFilter by Offer Status, which can be Closed/Cancelled/Active.
CompletedA completed bid is one that is marked as such in Change of status on bids.
The status of offers is not linked to the issuance of subsequent operations, as in the case of sales, for example. It is managed manually by Change Status on Offers and is an entirely custom solution.
CancelledOffer cancelled.
ActiveAn active offer is one whose status has not been changed since the Status Change on offers. Once created, the offer is automatically marked as active until a user changes its status.
An offer that is already closed can also be changed and returned with the status Active. The status of offers is not linked to the issuance of subsequent operations, as in the case of sales, for example. It is managed manually by Change Status on Offers and is an entirely custom solution.

Result (3)

You can see the documents/rows/articles/services found according to the criteria set by the Filter in Result (3). The table changes the information according to the Result type, so they will be described separately.

In addition to the columns containing basic information about the offers, you can include and exclude additional columns with detailed data by means of check boxes. All main and additional columns are described according to Result type.

Result by Documents (3.1)

In the table you will see a list of offers, it contains the following columns:

TypeDocument type
NumberOffer number
DateDate of offer
Displays information about the offer lines with:
– Code
– Name
– Quantity
– Written
ClientCounterparty to the offer
Opens a counterparty file
ResultDisplays a bid result that is managed by Change Bid Status. Can be successful/failed.
The outcome of offers is not tied to the issuance of subsequent transactions and is entirely a user decision.
Filters by Counterparty
CurrencyCurrency of offer
SumOffer amount with taxes
Opens an offer file

You can additionally include:

Company Company of offer
Office Office from which the offer was made.
POSPOS from which the offer was made.
Merchant Merchant who is selected in the offer.
ContractName and Number of the contract to which the offer is made
Finance Displays what billing method, payment method, and tax transaction the quote was created with.
Description The completed offer description.
Note The completed note in the offer.
Related Displays the numbers of all related operations to the offer. Clicking on your number opens the file of the related operation.
PriceTotal price of all lines in the offer excluding taxes.
Sum in BGN Sums up all offers at the bottom of the table.

Colours by status

In addition to the information that the system gives you about the offers through the columns in the Table, another way to easily recognize their status is included- this is the visual coloring. It varies according to the stage the offers are in, i.e. what status they are currently marked with by users.

Document colourDescription
RedOffer cancelled.
GreenThe offer is closed.
BlackThe offer is active.

Result by Lines of documents (3.2)

A list of document rows will appear in your table. If an offer has 3 rows with 3 different items, here they will be on three different rows.

The row-by-row table contains the following columns:

TypeDocument type
Document numberNumber of offer
DateDate of offer
ClientCounterparty to the offer
Opens a counterparty file
Filters by Counterparty
CodeItem/service code
NameName of item/service
Opens item/service file
ResultDisplays a bid result that is managed by Change Bid Status. Can be successful/failed.
The outcome of offers is not tied to the issuance of subsequent transactions and is entirely a user decision.
CurrencyCurrency of offer
MeasureMeasure of the item/service
QuantityQuantity of the item/service of the offer
SumAmount with taxes of the item/service from the offer
Opens offer file

You can additionally include:

Type Document type
Company Company of offer
Office Office from which the offer was made.
POS POS from which the offer was made.
Merchant Merchant who is selected in the offer.
Description Description of the item/service
Doc Description. Description of the offer
NoteNote in the offer.
RelatedDisplays the numbers of all related operations to the offer. Clicking on your number opens the file of the related operation.
Price Shows price per line without taxes and adds:
– Unit price
– Tax
Sum in BGNSums all the bid rows at the bottom of the table.

Result by Items (3.3)

In the table you will see results by item. If you have 5 offers containing the same item, they will be merged into 1 row here. The list shows the summarized quantities of the offers of the items.

We recommend, if you have offers in different currencies for the same items/services, to select the Offer Currency in the Filter (2) to get accurate information in both the Amount and Price columns.

CodeItem/service code
NameName of item/service
Opens item/service file
MeasureMeasure of the item/service
QuantityQuantity of the item/service from the offers in the given period and according to the set filters
SumTotal amount with taxes from the offers in the given period and according to set filters
AvailableAvailable quantity in warehouses that you are allowed to see. The column shows the total stock of the warehouses – blocked quantity.
