Allocation of costs

Interface for allocating indirect costs of sales. It appears after you have selected the financial document or financial document line whose value you want to allocate. Here you need to select a specific sale/row of sales/sales rows for which you want to accrue additional expense.

Important! Allocation of indirect costs in the system happens ONLY by PRICE, not by quantity. That is, the higher the price of the item in the sale, the more indirect cost will accrue!

The interface consists of Filter (1), Result (2) and Buttons (3) :

Filter (1)

To find the sales or lines of sales you want to accrue an expense on faster, the system provides you with different ways to filter the information. The search is started with the Magnifying Glass, and the Hicks clears all filters. In the table below you will see all the filters and their explanations:

FilterDescriptionFurther description of the options
ResultDocuments view (2.1)
– Document Lines view (2.2)
PeriodChoose from a drop-down menu for which period to display your sales. Works by date of sale.The possible options are:
– Today
– Yesterday
– The last 7 days
– Last 30 days
– The last 365 days
– Current month
– Previous month
– Current quarter
– Previous quarter
– Current year
– Previous year
– To date – shows all sales to date, from the first sale entered into the system, regardless of date.
date – By
You select specific dates as the period for which to display sales. Works by date of sale.
ClientYou filter by a specific customer to which sales are created.
Type Filter by Sale Type. The possible options are:
– Sale
– Retail

Result (2)

You can see the documents/rows found according to the criteria set by the Filter in Result (3). The table changes the information according to the Result type, so they will be described separately.

Result by Documents (2.1)

CheckboxThis is where you indicate which sales you would like the additional cost applied to.
Document numberSale Number.
DateDate of sale.
ContractorCounterparty to the sale.
Opens a contractor file.
Filters by counterparty.
FromPOS from which the sale was created.
Related operationsDisplays the numbers of all transactions related to the sale. Clicking on your number opens the file of the related operation.
DescriptionThe completed description of the sale.
NoteThe completed note in the sale.
CurrencyCurrency of sale.
SumAmount of sale with taxes.
Opens a sale file.

Result by Lines of documents (2.2)

A list of document rows will appear in your table. If a sale has 3 rows with 3 different items, here they will be on three different rows.

The row-by-row table contains the following columns:

CheckboxThis is where you indicate which sales lines you would like the additional expense to be applied to.
Document numberSale Number.
DateDate of sale.
ContractorCounterparty to the sale.
Opens a contractor file.
Filters by counterparty.
CodeItem/service code.
NameName of the item/service.
Opens an item/service file.
CurrencyCurrency of sale.
MeasureMeasure of the item/service.
QuantityQuantity of the item/service from the sale.
Unit priceThe price for 1 quantity in the sale.
PriceAmount with taxes of the item/service from the sale.
Opens a file on the sale.

Buttons (3)

In order to allocate the costs to the sales/series of sales selection you have made, you need to click the Confirm button. This generates an Allocation of Additional Costs document that is visible in the Related Transactions tab of the sale file. All indirect costs already allocated, as well as financial documents that have not yet been allocated, can be found in Cost of sales.

If you want to exit without saving your changes, you need to click the Close button.
