Cancellation / deletion of a document

Interface to delete/cancel documents. It consists of Document Contractor (1), Related Transactions (2), Related Transactions to be Unlinked (3) , and Reason for Delete (4):

Document Contractor (1)

The field indicates the counterparty associated with the document. The info button at the end of the field opens the contractor’s file.

Related operations (2)

The table displays a list of all related operations to the document that should be deleted or cancelled. These are the ones that cannot remain in the system as stand-alone documents because they must have a previous document.

For example:

You want to delete/cancel a Sale, but there are a Discharge and Invoice documents associated with it. In Related Operations (2), you will be prompted for the Discharge, and you must decide whether to delete it with the buttons at the end of its row.

The invoice, in turn, will be ordered in the next list of Related transactions to be unlinked (3). For these, please continue reading down.

The table contains the following columns:

NumberDocument number
DateDate of document
TypeDocument type
CompanyDocument company (own)
FromFrom which office/warehouse/cashier the document was issued
ToWhich office/warehouse/cashier/contractor the document is addressed to
Info buttonOpens the document file
Cancel buttonCancels the document
Delete buttonDeletes the document

Related operations to be disconnected (3)

The table shows a list of all documents whose links will be removed with the deleted/deleted document, but the documents themselves will not necessarily be deleted or deleted. These are documents that can stand alone in the system.

For example:

You delete a sale that has an Invoice. The invoice will be unlinked and will remain in the system without a linked document.

The table contains the following columns:

NumberDocument number
DateDate of document
TypeDocument type
CompanyDocument company (own)
FromFrom which office/warehouse/cashier the document was issued
ToWhich office/warehouse/cashier/contractor the document is addressed to
Info buttonOpens the document file

Reason for deletion/cancellation (4)

In the Reason for deletion/cancellation field (4), the reason for the action must be given in free text for better traceability.

More information on the procedures for deleting/cancelling documents can be found here.

To delete/cancel the document, you need to press the Delete/Cancel button. If you want to exit without making any changes, click the Close button.
