Create a recipe

Step #1

Go to Logistics > Warehouse & Logistics Settings > Recipes.

Step #2

Click on the New Recipe button in the Header.

Step #3

You are taken to a prescription fill interface where you need to fill in the following information:

Name (1)

Enter a name for the recipe.

Product (2)

Select which product the recipe applies to from the product list. If you do not find it in this list, it is possible that the product has not been created or has been archived. Read more about the products here.

Quantity (3)

Enter the quantity of the product to which the recipe applies.

If the recipe refers to 1pcs. product, here you write 1, and in measure- number. If your recipe will generate 10 litres of product, you enter 10 here, and litres in a measure.

Measure (4)

You choose in what unit of measure the finished product will be.

If the recipe refers to 1pcs. product, in quantity you write 1, and in measure you choose number. If your recipe will generate 10 litres of product, you enter 10 in the quantity and litres in the measure.

Description (5)

The description is not a required field, but if it is filled in, the text in it is automatically transferred to the “description” field of the work order.

Confirm or deny entry (6)

Once all the required fields are filled in, you confirm the recipe with the Confirm button (6), which saves it, or refuse the save with the Refuse button (6).

Step #4

The next step is to add the items in the recipe. To do this, you find your recipe in the left list of those already entered.

Click on the button on the line of the selected recipe. This will open up her working view on the right.

To add materials, items, products and/or operations to the selected recipe, use the Add Items button.

Step #5

Interface for selecting items

The interface contains 2 tabs, the first tab displays all entered materials, items, products, and the second tab displays all entered operations.

Add materials, items and/or products (1)

In the first tab “Items” you find the desired item of material type, item or product to add to the recipe. You can use the filters to search the table more conveniently.

Once you have found your item, add it to the table using the button.

This will open up an additional interface for you to select quantity and measure from the specific item.

Enter the quantity (1) and measure (2) of the material, item or product.

If in the recipe you are going to introduce 1pcs. of the material, in quantity you write 1, and in measure you choose number. If you are going to put in 10 litres of material, you enter 10 in the quantity and 10 litres in the measure.

Add operations (2)

To add operations to the recipe, you need to move to the right tab. Adding is done in the same way as described above for the “Items” tab.

Step #6

Repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as you have items to input to the recipe.
