
The configuration of recipes (specifying the relationship between materials, products and operations), as well as the management of already created recipes, is done through the menu Logistics > Settings Warehouse and Logistics > Recipes or from the menu Logistics > Settings Warehouse and Logistics > Nomenclature.

The interface for recipes in the Logistics> Settings Warehouse and Logistics> Recipes menu can be divided into three main parts:

Heather (1)

In the Header you see the New Recipe button, which opens the interface for adding a recipe.

List of already entered product recipes and their action buttons (2)

The list consists of all the recipes you have entered in the system with the following columns:

Column Description
Recipe Name of the recipe
Code Recipe code
Name Name of the product for which the recipe is
Opens product file
Recipe description Displays the description if filled in the recipe. It is also automatically transferred to the “Description” field of the work order
Opens the recipe for editing
Opens the working view (3) of the input/editing of materials and operations in the recipe
Deletes the recipe

Recipe Management Work Panel (3)

The work panel is used to add materials, items, products and operations to a recipe with the Add Itemsbutton .In addition, it manages the items already entered to recipes as the system allows you to delete, edit quantities and units of measure.

The list in the work panel consists of the items entered to a specific recipe (which you have selected from the left list (2)) with the following columns:

Column Description
Type Type of item- material, item, product, operation
Code Item code
Item Item name
Opens item file
Brand Brand of the item
Measure What is the unit of measure entered for the item in the recipe
Quantity What is the quantity of the element entered in the recipe
Opens the item for editing. Editable quantity and measure
Deletes the item from the recipe

Detailed step-by-step description of how to create a recipe here and how to edit a recipe here.
