
In addition to materials, there is also the possibility to input additional activities in the form of “Operations” into the production process. Each operation, whether added to the product recipe or as a separate item in the work order, adds additional cost to the finished product.

Operations are created from the Logistics menu > Warehouse and Logistics Settings > Nomenclature, Other tab with the Operation button. The button opens the interface for creating an operation.

The following fields are required:

Name (1)

Fill in the name of the operation.

Operation value (2)

Fill in the value of the transaction in BGN. Only operations that are entered with a value are automatically reflected in the cost of the finished product.

For example:
You create an operation named “Labeling”.
1 man-hour of labor gluing labels costs you 20lv. In the field you must specify 20.

Measure (3)

Measure/unit in which the operation is conducted (hour, man-hour, number, etc.)

Category (4)

Select which category the operation falls into from the drop-down menu with the already created categories. You can read more about working with and creating categories here.

More information about all the fields, including the optional ones on the interface for creating an item of any kind, can be found here.

Note that operations can be nested within product recipes, but can also be added as a separate item in the work order. The same applies to materials. The system provides these options to best meet reality and cover as many cases as possible.

For example, in the production of a product “Water” you need to use an additional service “Consultation with an expert” for different purposes- making a new flavor, with different values or a special flavor. This consultation increases your cost of making the product and therefore its cost, so it should be reflected in the system by an additional operation.
Similarly, in each work order you can add a new material to the recipe, e.g. “lemon flavor”, “strawberry flavor”, etc., and change the values of the materials and operations already entered in the recipe.

More about entering and using recipes, please read here.
