
Materials are a type of items that are used to incorporate into recipes and create products.

You need to produce water/H2O. For this purpose, you need to create two materials in the Prim.IO nomenclature – “Oxygen” and “Hydrogen”, and one product “Water”. Since water is a chemical compound of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen, to reflect it, you need to enter a recipe for the product. The recipe should include 2 units of Oxygen material and one unit of Hydrogen material.
The “joining” of the materials in the system and their transformation into the finished product “Water” occurs through a “Work Order” process.

How to create materials in Prim.IO?


Materials are created from the Logistics menu > Warehouse and Logistics settings > Nomenclature with the Item button. The button opens the interface for creating an item.

The following fields are required:

Type (1)

Select the material type from the drop-down menu in the box.

Name (2)

You fill in the name of the material you are creating.

Measure (3)

In what measure or measures the material will be conducted.

Category (4)

Select which category your material falls into from the drop-down menu of already created categories. You can read more about working with and creating categories here.

More information about all the fields, including the optional ones on the interface for creating an item of any kind, can be found here.
