Average prices of orders

On this interface you get information about average order prices. The screen is divided into three main parts: Header (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

In the Header (1) you see a blue button that hides and shows the Filter.

In Filter (2) you see fields that allow you to search based on something specific. The options are described in the table below:

From date/To dateFilter based on when the order was placed
Company Choose the company that placed the order
Office You choose the office from where the order was placed
Delivery typeChoose a provider type
SupplierChoose a specific supplier
MerchantSelect the contractor who placed the order
Type Select type of items
ItemSelect a specific item
TemplateChoose a template
GroupsSelect groups (if any are entered in the system)
BrandChoose a brand
SearchCombined search field

By default, the system will show you all amounts excluding taxes. If you want to see prices with taxes, you need to tick the Price with taxes checkbox.

The result (3), based on your choices in the Filter, is summarized in a table with the following columns:

CodeArticle code
Name Item name
Brand Brand of the item
PricesNumber of different prices
OrdersNumber of orders
QuantityQuantity of ordered items
SumTotal amount of orders
Min Minimum price
MaxMaximum price
Average price Average price (based on Min, Max and Orders)
Standard deviationThe deviation from the different prices