Financial categories

The financial categories are used to organize the reports in the system related to the company’s income and expenses. Accordingly, they are divided into revenue and expenditure (staff costs, salaries, etc.). They are binding and each document is bound to them.

The financial categories in the system allow you to sort your income and expenses by different attributes. Again, we have taken care and have set basic categories, as general as possible for the activity of the companies. We have therefore also marked this step as optional. However, if you want to be more precise about what signs to keep track of your income and mainly expenses, you can take some time and set up categories.

In the Header you see the Income, Expense buttons. With them you add income and expense categories.

You can perform the following actions on the lists:

  • Add – add a pen, a subtype of an existing one;
  • Edit – edit pen;
  • Delete – delete a pen.