Add an account

To create an account, you must enter:

  • Account Name
  • Type of account – as already mentioned, accounts can be bank, treasury or virtual accounts:
    • If you have selected a bank account type, you must select both the bank and the IBAN of your account.
    • If you have selected a cash register type, the system will also ask you for a cash register number. You need to enter a specific prefix and starting numbers for the PQO and PQR.
    • If you’ve selected a virtual account type, there’s another interesting option: the “Everyone can create income” checkbox makes the account available for anyone in the organization to create income on.
  • The currency of the account – accounts can also be multi-currency. This is selected from the “Multicurrency Account” check box
  • Company – you must select the company to which the account belongs. This only makes sense in a multi-firm regime.
  • From the “Not postable” checkbox, select whether the account will be posted manually.
  • The “Account Integration” checkbox will open additional setup fields that are used for integrations and which we will not comment on at this time.

In the Responsible Persons panel, select all material responsible persons for the specific account, i.e. the persons who will enter income and expenses.

In most system interfaces, you work with permissions by role. The only exceptions are financial accounts and warehouses. There the responsibility is personal. That is why the materially responsible persons are individual users!
