
Accounts (no specific account selected)

Interface for managing all accounts – bank, treasury and virtual, for which the user has rights. Here you get information about account balances, movements, you can filter the result by different criteria, as well as create payments and move money. The screen is divided into three main parts: Header (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

Heather (1)

In the Header (1) there is a button to Move Money between accounts (if you have permissions to move money) and a blue button to hide and show the Filter (2).

Filter (2)

To make it easier for you to keep track of your account balances, the system provides you with different ways to filter your payment information. The search is started with the Magnifying Glass, and the Hicks clears all filters. You can search by period for 10/30/60 days, etc., by period of specific dates, and by account. If you select an account, the result will change ( you can read about this further down the page).

A checkmark placed in the “Sum in BGN” checkbox will change the Result (3) , with the Starting Balance for Period, Income, Expense and Ending Balance for Period columns changed to Starting Balance for Period BGN, Income BGN, Expense BGN and Ending Balance for Period BGN. That is, the amounts will be recalculated from their original currencies into their lev equivalent.

If you have not specified that you want the total in BGN, the table shows you the amounts in the original currency of the account.

Result (3)

Without a specific account selected, the Result (3) shows you all accounts you have rights to at least see. The information is summarised in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
The icon indicates whether there is a cash register tied to the account. If there is an icon in front of the bill- there is a cash register.
CompanyThe company using the account.
Type The type of account – bank, cash or virtual.
Account Account Name.
IBAN IBAN of the account (if a bank account).
Currency Account currency.
Opening balance for the periodAccount balance at beginning of period.
Coming Total income from all revenue payment documents for the period.
Cost Total expenditure from all expenditure payment documents for the period.
Ending balance for the periodAccount balance at the end of the period.
Filters by selected account and brings you into its movements.

Accounts (with a specific account selected)

If you select an account in the Filter or click on the Info button of any specific one in the list, the interface changes and the result is different.

On this interface you can get information about a specific account. The screen is divided into four main parts: Header (1), Filter (2), Information (3) and Operations (4).

Header (1)

In the Header (1) you can find buttons that allow you to create the following operations( if you have permissions):

If there is a cash register connected to the account , the following action buttons are added, depending on the model:

  • X report – runs a daily report on the cash register without resetting the cash register, can be run at any time.
  • Z report – runs a daily report on the cash register that resets the cash register. Runs at the end of the day or when cashiers change.
  • Monthly report – plays a monthly report of the cash register for a specific period selected by the user
  • Annual Report – plays an annual report of the cash register for a specific period selected by the user
  • Date to date – runs a report on the cash register for a specific period selected by the user
  • Reconcile cash – the system reconciles the account balance and the cash register balance. If there is more in the account issue a document of service import. If there is less in the account than in the cash register, the system issues a service export.
  • Department Partial Payments – sends a command to the cash register to program a department for a partial payment. It is done once at the beginning or when the setting is lost.
  • Unblock – used when the cash register has an open receipt and for some reason the payment is not completed. The system sends a specific command to unlock the device by cancelling or ending the note.
  • Recalibrate Clock – used when the cash register is running late/lagging for some reason and recalibrates its clock according to the system.

Filter (2)

The options in Filter (2) allow you to filter by period, date and currency. You can also view cancelled payments by ticking the“Show cancelled” checkbox

Summary information (3)

The Summary Information section (3) displays the most general data about the selected account. If the account works with several currencies, the information is split into several rows (for each currency). The field consists of:

CompanyShows the company that uses the account.
Type Shows the type of account – bank, cash or virtual.
Account Displays the name of the account.
IBAN Displays the IBAN of the account (if it is a bank account).
Currency Displays the currency of the account.
Opening balance for the periodAccount balance at beginning of period.
Coming Total accrued income from all revenue documents for the period.
Cost Total accrued expense from all expense documents for the period.
Ending balance for the periodAccount balance at the end of the period.

Operations (4)

In the Operations section (4) you can find information about all Payments and Transfers made for the selected time period, divided into two tabs of the same name.

Tab Payments

The information about the entered payment documents/payments is displayed in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
DirectionThe arrow icons indicate the payment type:
– green arrow – revenue
– red arrow – expense
TypePayment type – CCP, RCO, Bank debit or Bank credit.
Number Payment Number.
Date Payment Date.
ContractorPayment Counterparty.
Opens a counterparty file associated with the payment.
Status Indicates what the payment status is
– paid – the entire amount of the payment has been distributed
– unpaid – all or part of the payment amount has not been distributed.
DescriptionThe description of the payment, if entered.
Currency Currency of payment.
Coming Income from the payment (if revenue).
Cost Cost of the payment (if it is a cost payment).
Unallocated Indicates how much of the registered payment document has not yet been allocated to a financial document or other.
Opens a payment document file.

Tab Displacements

Information about Money Movements is displayed on a separate tab in the Interface. It loads a table with the following columns:

Column Description
DirectionThe arrow icons indicate the type of payment to make the move:
– green arrow – income (moving is in + for the selected account)
– red arrow – expense (moving to – for the selected account)
Number Relocation Number.
Date Date of transfer.
AccountName of the account related to the move.
Status Payment Status:
– completed – the transfer has left one account/cash and entered the other account/cash.
– In progress – the move has not yet either exited one account/case or entered the other account/case.
Income/Expenditure Indicates whether the transfer is an incoming or outgoing operation for the respective cashier/account.
From currency The currency of the sender.
Of an amountThe amount sent (in the currency of the sender).
In currencyThe currency of the recipient.
In sum Amount received (in the currency of the recipient).
Exchange rateThe exchange rate between the currencies of the sender and the receiver
Coming The amount of revenue (if a revenue transaction).
Cost The amount of the expenditure (if it is an expenditure operation).
Opens relocation file.