Adding a line in a credit financial document

The interface consists of Line Data (1), Sum (2) and Financial Data (3):

Order details (1)

In the Order Details section (1) you must fill in the quantity and amount in the following fields:

QuantityWhat amount do you credit
MeasureIn what measure is the quantity you credit
Number of figures for quantityHow many digits for the quantity will be displayed after the decimal point
Price without taxesUnit price without taxes
Price with taxesUnit price with taxes

Sum (2)

The system automatically calculates the quantity, prices, taxes entered in Line Data (1) and shows you the total amount with taxes for the entire quantity.

Financial data (3)

Tax rate
You choose the tax rate of the line you are entering. According to the rate, the value of VAT is determined and it is charged automatically in the Amount field (2).
CategorySelect a financial category from the list of categories.
DescriptionThe free writing field.

To add the line to the credit financial document, you must click the Confirm button. If you want to exit without saving your changes, you need to click the Close button.
