Create / Edit Counterparty

Counterparties in the system are Customers, Suppliers, Banks, Government Organizations, Companies and Holdings, accessible from the CRM > Counterparties submenus.

In the Header (1) of each submenu with contractors, there is a New Contractor button to add a new one. When you click on the Create New Counterparty button from the CRM > Counterparties > Clients menu, you will load an interface with the “Client” type already selected. Similarly, if you’re in CRM > Contractors > Suppliers, it will be a checkbox type “Supplier”. Note that you can remove and put the type checker as you wish, i.e. you do not have to create only customers from CRM > Contractors > Customers.

The button opens the interface for creating a counterparty where you have to fill in the data. It is important to pay attention to the mandatory fields, without which the system will not allow you to save the contractor. They are marked with an asterisk * in the explanation below.

General information (1)

Quick entry with UIC

In case you have the UIC of the legal entity, you can enter it first in the UIC field. The system is connected to the VIES register and with the press of a button will automatically load the data of the contractor – name, address, VAT number.

Individual/ Legal entity*You specify what type of counterparty the checker is.
Name*A field for free writing of the counterparty’s name.
AliasA field to freely write a counterparty alias. The alias can be used as an alternative for searching the list of contractors.
VAT numberYou indicate with a cheque whether the contractor is registered for VAT. If you put in a cheque, another box will appear at the bottom where you need to fill in the VAT number.
Foreign companyIf the counterparty is marked as foreign, the system does not perform validation by UIC.
UIC/ EINYou indicate the UIC for legal entities and the SSN for natural persons. The system does data validation and will not let you in if there is already a counterparty entered with that data.

Status (2)

StatusCustomer statuses are a nomenclature that allows you to further (in addition to type) categorize the status of a specific customer (active, VIP, risky, etc.). You can read more about the statuses here and about setting them up here.
MerchantYou select a counterparty trader from all users in the system.
HoldingIndicate which holding the counterparty belongs to.

Counterparty type (3)

Counterparty type (3)* is mandatory to specify. You can specify one, two or more types and subtypes respectively. It is mandatory to select at least one counterparty type, and if it has subtypes, at least one subtype.

Counterparty type “Company” is used only for the Prim.IO user company. “Company” is not specified when creating a customer/supplier or other counterparty. Never create contractors of this type on your own without having commented on it with the system administrator from your organization!

Contact person (4)

Contact person (4) appears when entering legal entities.

NameNames of contact person
PositionPosition of contact person

Characteristics (5)

The characteristics (5) are selected according to the set individual characteristics of your organization. If any of these are marked as required, the system will not allow you to save the data without filling it in. You can read more about the features here and about setting them up here.

Address (6)

There are two modes for entering counterparty addresses, and they are set at the country level, counterparty type and subtype- customers, suppliers, banks, government organizations, etc.

The first mode is “Free” and you can enter any text in any field of the address. The second mode is “Strict”. In strict mode, the areas, localities, neighbourhoods and streets are predefined and you have to select them from lists. You can read more about address modes here.

Depending on the selected address mode, you can enter the information in free text or select the data from a list. Only countries are necessarily selected from a drop-down menu containing a pre-entered nomenclature.


Tax address / Primary address
By placing a check mark the address as tax and it will be displayed on all documents related to the contractor
CountrySelect a country from the drop-down menu
DistrictChoice of list or free text
Postal codeFree text
MailboxFree text
LocationChoice of list or free text
QuarterlyChoice of list or free text
StreetChoice of list or free text
NumberFree text
BlockFree text
LoginFree text
FloorFree text
ApartmentFree text
AddressFree writing field at

Contacts (7)


Free text
Free text
Free text
NoteFree text

To save the counterparty details and have it created in the system, click Confirm.
