
In the CRM > Partners > Clients menu, you will find a list of your organization’s customers. The purpose of the interface is to have easy access to all customers and to find them quickly when you need them. In addition, with one click on the name of the searched customer, you get access to his file, full of a lot of contact, sales, financial and other information (according to the set user rights).

As a reminder, clients can be added manually or imported with Excel.

The interface consists of Header (1), Filter (2) and Results List (3).

There are three buttons in the Header (1) that give you easy access to create a new counterparty, export to an Excel file, and the ability to expand the table and hide filters.
The results list (3) is managed depending on the parameters set in the Filter (2). You can search for customers in the following ways:

SearchFree search field by name, UIC, VAT number, alias, customer contact information, addresses, maps and promo cards.
TypeA list of all customer types entered in the system is displayed. You can filter by one, many or all.
StatusA list of all customer statuses entered into the system is displayed. You can filter by one, many or all.
HoldingDrops a list of all holdings entered into the system. You can filter by one, many or all.
LettersSearch by the first letter of the Bulgarian or English alphabet.

Ако сложите чекър на “Покажи архивираните” отстрани на филтъра, то във Списъка (3) ще се визуализират и архивирани контрагенти. Те са отблелязани с удивителен знак , за да се различават от активните контрагенти. Архивираните контрагенти не са изтрити, но не се показват по списъците в системата. Всички данни на архивиран контрагент се запазват в системата, както и документите, свързани с него. Те могат да бъдат намерени в досието му. Повече информация може да намерите тук.

The customer list (3) consists of the files of all counterparties that meet the criteria set in Filter (2). Clicking on the name opens the Counterparty File (4):
