Operations by consumers

Interface for a detailed history of all transactions and issued documents performed by users of the system. It consists of Heather (1), Filter (2) and Score (3):

Header (1)

In the Header (1) is the name of the report and a button to hide/show the filter.

Filter (2)

Filter (2) manages the data in Result (3) and you have the following options for filtering and managing the data:

Result– View Operations
– View Lines of operations
– View Quantities
PeriodChoose from a drop-down menu for which period to display your transactions. Works by creation date of operation. The possible options are:
– Today
– Yesterday
– The last 7 days
– Last 30 days
– The last 365 days
– Current month
– Previous month
– Current quarter
– Previous quarter
– Current year
– Previous year
– To date- shows all transactions to date, from the first entered into the system, regardless of date.
From date – to dateFilter by specific dates or period to display your transactions.
Show byYou specify what you want the Result to look like:
– Operations ( will show columns with individual operations)
– Groups of operations ( will merge individual operations into Sales, Orders, Logistics, Warehouse, Finance and Cash Flow)
Disable operations without movementRemoves all operations on which there is no movement.
Exclude employees without operationsRemoves all employees from the list who have not made a single transaction.

Result (3)

You can see the documents/series of documents found according to the criteria set by the Filter in the List (3). The table changes the information according to the Result type.

  • When Operations View is selected, the result contains the number of operations performed by a specific user. Each line containing numbers is a link to a list of operations that form it.
  • When View Rows of Operations is selected, the result contains the number of rows from the created operations. Each row containing numbers is a link to a list of rows and the operations that form it.
  • When Quantity View is selected, the result shows the summed quantities in the transactions made. Each line containing numbers is a link to a list of operations that form it.