History of operations

Interface for a detailed history of all transactions and issued documents performed by users of the system. Used to reference which user entered, edited, deleted, or canceled which document, when, and what. It consists of Heather (1), Filter (2) and Score (3):

Header (1)

In the Header (1) is the name of the report and a button to hide/show the filter.

Filter (2)

Filter (2) controls the data in Result (3) and you have the following options to filter the data:

PeriodChoose from a drop-down menu for which period to display your transactions. Works by creation date of operation. The possible options are:
– Today
– Yesterday
– The last 7 days
– Last 30 days
– The last 365 days
– Current month
– Previous month
– Current quarter
– Previous quarter
– Current year
– Previous year
– To date – shows all offers to date, from the first offer entered into the system, regardless of date.
From date – to dateFilter by specific dates or period to display your transactions.

Document typeFilter by type of document created.
Employee Filter by employee who performed the transactions.
Of typeFilter by “by type” of document object- could be from a warehouse/contractor/company, etc.
To typeFilter by “by type” of document object- could be from warehouse/contractor/company etc.

Result (3)

The result (3) is a list of tasks based on the criteria you specified in Filter (2), with the following columns:

DateSystem task ID.
EventDisplays what has happened to the document-creation, editing, cancellation, deletion.
AuthorIndicates which user performed the action on the document.
Document typeDisplays the document type.
DocumentDisplays the document number.
DateShows date of document
FromIndicates which object the document is from.
ToIndicates to which object the document is.
CurrencyDisplays the currency of the document.
SumDisplays document amount.
Opens a document file.