User data

Interface for adding/editing a user in the system. It consists of User Information (1), Basic Information (2) and Mail Settings (3).

User Information (1)

The fields show:

  • Username*

The username you use to log in to the system is private and is not shared with others. Once a new user has been confirmed, it cannot be changed.

  • Password and password confirmation

Password is not a required field. If you enter nothing, the user will be able to log in without a password. The password can be changed at any time.

  • Home Page

Indicates which is the first system page the user will see when logging in. It can be changed.

Basic information (2)

In the Basic Information fields are the user’s personal details:

  • Little name*
  • Surname
  • Surname*
  • Phone
  • eMail
  • Position

Mail settings (3)

The settings are optional and are used when working with Events and sending documents through the system. In addition to these settings, access must be provided to the appropriate mail system through which the user will be integrated to allow third-party IMAP/POP3 mail (Enable IMAP and/or POP3; Enable Third-Party Mail Clients).

  • Username*
  • Password*
  • Port* – port number, default 993, 995 or 465 (for IMAP, POP3 or SMTP)
  • Email server* – address of an email server, for example
  • Signature – text that will be finally attached to the emails sent

All changes are saved with the Confirm button.
