
Address input modes

There are two modes for entering counterparty addresses, and they are set at the counterparty type and subtype level-customers, suppliers, banks, government organizations, etc. The first mode is “Free” and in this mode you have the possibility to enter any text in each address field.

The second mode is “Strict”. In strict mode, the areas, localities, neighbourhoods and streets are predefined and you have to select them from lists. Strict mode is handy when your business requires absolute accuracy and validity of addresses entered, as well as when integrating with freight forwarding companies that require strictly entered addresses. The strict mode of address entry also ensures the subsequent possibility of analysis based on customer location, because it excludes the possibility that the same street is written in several different ways.

We recommend that you choose strict address input mode only when it is really necessary! Strict mode of operation requires much more effort to enter and maintain correct information.

Setting up settlements
Тази страница ви позволява да правите настройки върху населените места.

The interface is divided into three parts: Header (1), Tabs (2) and List (3).

There are five add buttons at the top right of the Header: Country, District, Location, Neighbourhood and Street.

You see five tabs:


IDCountry ID
CodeCountry code
NameName of country
2 letter codeISO-3166 2-letter country code for integration systems
3 letter codeISO-3166 3-letter country code for integration systems
3 digit codeISO-3166 3-digit country code for integration systems
Tel.codeCountry code phone number
Number of addressesNumber of country addresses


IDDistrict ID
CodeArea code
NameName of district
Name of countryThe country to which an area belongs
Number of addressesThe number of contractors from a given location


By “settlements” understand town, village, etc.

IDLocation ID
CodeSettlement code
NameName of locality
DistrictThe district to which the locality belongs
CountryThe country to which the locality belongs
Postal codePostal code of a place
Number of addressesThe number of contractors from a given location


IDID per quarter
NameName of neighbourhood
LocationThe locality to which it relates
DistrictThe area to which it relates
CountryThe country to which it refers
Number of addressesThe number of contractors from a given location


IDStreet ID
NameStreet name
QuarterlyThe neighbourhood to which it refers
LocationThe locality to which it relates
DistrictThe area to which it relates
CountryThe country to which it refers
Number of addressesThe number of contractors from a given location

You can perform the following actions on the button list at the end of each row:

  • – displays information about all contractors who have set the corresponding location as a parameter;
  • – edit settlement information;
  • – replace a settlement with an existing one.