Sales KPI

KPIs or the KPIs page is where you can find out at a glance what’s going on with your business. There you will find the key metrics that indicate the “health” of your company.

The Bi module consists of the following elements:

Tabs (1) – Tabs are individual dashboards, each showing an important aspect of your business.

Filters (2) – the parameters by which you can make cuts.

Note that any selected filter applies to all other boards.

If you want to filter by a parameter that is missing in the filter bar, you can always click on the “Filters” tab, where we have prepared many more parameters to work with.

KPIs Dashboard (3)

KPINameExplanationFormulas of calculation
Gross MarginProfit / TurnoverTakes into account only the cost of products as a basis(SUM(SO) -SUM(cogs)) / SUM(SO)
RoIProfit / Cost of productsReturn on investment – (SUM(SO)-SUM(cogs)) / SUM(cogs)
Total RevenueTurnoverAmount of revenue(SUM(SO)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)Revenue from one customerAn extremely important indicator for any business. Shows how much average revenue comes from a customer. SUM(SO) / COUNT(customers who made purchases)
Repeat Purchase RateRe-purchase ratioShows how successfully you sell more than once to your customersCount of customers with multiple purchases / Customers who made purchases
Daily AverageAverage daily salesAverage daily sales amount
Average daily number of sales
SUM(SO) / Number of days between the first and the latest SO
COUNT(SO) / Number of days between the first and the latest SO
Average Sales OrderAverage value per saleAverage value per sale
Average number of items in one sale
SUM(quantity of so rows) / COUNT(SO)
Averge CustomerAverage revenue per customerEqual to Revenue per Customer (CLV)
Average number of sales per customer
SUM(SO) / COUNT(customers who made purchases)
SUM(quantity of SO rows) / COUNT(SO)
TY vs LY SalesSales compared to last yearCurrent year sales / sales for the whole of last year
Sales current year / sales for the same period last year
SUM(SO for this year) / SUM(SO for the whole previous year)
SUM(SO for this year) / SUM(SO for the year before till todays date)
TY vs LY CustomersCustomers compared to last yearNumber of customers current year / number of customers for the whole of last year
Number of customers current year / number of customers for the same period last year
COUNT(new customers for this year) / COUNT(new customers for the whole previous year)
COUNT(new customers for this year) / COUNT(new customers for the previous year till todays date)
TY vs LY UnitsNumber of items sold compared to last yearNumber of items sold current year / number of items sold for the whole of last year
Number of items sold current year / number of items sold in the same period last year
SUM(units sold for this year ) / SUM(units sold for the whole previous year)
SUM(units sold for this year ) / SUM(units sold for the previous year till todays date)
TY vs LY ProfitProfit compared to last yearProfit current year / profit for the whole of last year
Profit current year / profit same period last year
(SUM(SO for this year) – SUM(cost of this years sales)) / (SUM(SO for the previous year) – SUM(cost of the slaves for the previous year))
(SUM(SO for this year) – SUM(cost of this years sales)) / (SUM(SO for the previous year till todays date) – SUM(cost of the slaes for the previous year till todays date))
Total SalesTotal number of salesTotal number of sales
Number of sales current year
* not affected by the selected filters
COUNT(SO for this year)
Total CustomersTotal number of clientsTotal number of clients
Number of customers current year
* not affected by the selected filters
COUNT(partners created this year)
Total UnitsTotal number of items soldTotal number of items sold
Number of items sold current year
* not affected by the selected filters
SUM(quantity of units
SUM(quantity of units this year)
Gross ProfitTotal amount profitTotal profit
Profit current year
* not affected by the selected filters
SUM(SO) – SUM(cogs)
SUM(SO for this year) – SUM(cogs of this year sales)

There are also two graphs in the dashboard:

Sales – shows the sales. On the Y-coordinate you can change the reporting period – year, quarter, month. By the X-coordinate you can select the number of items sold, sales, profit and number of items.

Clients – shows the clients. On the Y-coordinate you can change the reporting period – year, quarter, month. By X-coordinate you can choose to view only new customers for the period or total customers for the period.
