Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) systems are a combination of services and technologies that enable the transfer of data from different sources, the processing of this data and the creation of heterogeneous reports and analyses with it. It’s analytics with the right data that can help businesses make quick and appropriate decisions. BI are an amazingly useful complement to ERP systems and are a natural extension of them.
Due to their versatile applicability, business analytics systems are widely recognized and widely used, and among their most active users are managers and those engaged in strategic business development.

Why did we choose Qlik Sense as a partner for Module BI?

Choosing the right analytics tool is a key stage in the development of any successful project, which is why we trusted Qlik, one of the major players in the market, with their Qlik Sense offering. Qlik follows the main trends in the development of business intelligence, often even defining them. This was the main reason for our choice of partner for the integration of Prim.IO’s BI module – we wanted our customers to have access to a reliable and world-leading BI solution.

What are the capabilities of Qlik Sense?

Qlik Sense’s BI technology provides in-depth analysis of a variety of metrics across any company’s financials, sales, customers and profits. Company performance can be measured and improved by obtaining accurate, relevant information on an as-needed basis for your business.

KPi Dashboard

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Sales Dashboard

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Finance Dashboard

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Qlik Sense allows data from different sources to be combined, processed and integrated. Thus, the visualization of the information serves the user for proper decision-making based on real analyses and reports. Multiple dashboards show details of the company’s most important metrics (KPIs), complex analyses of sales and financial information. And all of this happens with correctly entered information directly from our Prim.IO ERP system, without additional input, comparison and search.

All Qlik products, including Sense, have one major advantage over competitors in the BI market. It is the associative filtering of data that allows users to analyze information without constraints and preset steps. Anyone can select the data as they wish and come to conclusions guided only by their intuition and ideas. This gives enormous freedom and greatly expands the possibilities for analysis.

We believe that every client should get the best development tool, even if they have a limited budget. For this, we offer quality BI software integrated to the Prim.IO foundation free of charge.
