Import review and validation

If there is already an existing nomenclature in the system, it will be checked for import matches. There are 2 methods: strict method by item code and unguaranteed method by item description and parameters.

Attention! It is not recommended to use a matching item description and parameters! Incorrect matches or inconsistencies may occur when editing data in the import table!

Check for matches by code on the articule

Method for checking by a unique Item Code field. Exact match guaranteed.

If there is more than one row with the same Item Code value in the import table, the data from the last row with the repeating code will stay in the system after import.

Check for matches by description and parameters

The system searches for an item that matches exactly (full match) all of the described fields, but only checks the described fields:

  • Type – possible values:
    • item – an item/item whose availability is the result of an order from a supplier;
    • material – an article primarily intended for use in manufacturing;
    • product – an item whose availability is the result of a prescription manufacturing process;
    • BOM – Bill of Materials (BOM), a commercial package of goods and services with non-cash quantities;
    • one-off service – a service that is bought or sold once
  • Name – according to working language
  • Description – according to the working language
  • Unit name – name of a measure entered in the system;
  • Si measure of a unit of measure – si label (measure) of a measure entered in the system;
  • Brand name – the brand name must be previously created in the system;
  • Group – an exact match to the description of Groups level 1 to 4
  • EAN/barcodes –
  • param_XXXXX – one or more item characteristic columns, where XXXXX is the item characteristic code

Only the fields described above are checked for a match. If there are other fields in the import table, they will not be checked for matches. The system searches for an item that exactly matches all of the described fields, but checks only those for which a value has been entered.

With the import by the second method the system:

  • It will automatically generate a unique Item Code for each imported item.
  • If the import table has more than one row with the same entered values, only one item with these values will be stored in the system after import.

Check for errors

Any line on which no values are entered for required fields or the system detects another critical error, due to which the position cannot be imported, will be colored red and the error will be displayed in the Errors column. Items will not be imported until all import table errors are cleared!
