Import of goods and services

To import product and service nomenclatures into the system, first download a blank form. To download such a form, go to Logistics > Warehouse Settings > Nomenclature and click the button .

Before importing a nomenclature, please check that you have first created all necessary related nomenclatures: groups of goods and services, units of measure, item characteristics, brands.

Main fields

  • Code* – item identifier (SKU), unique field, there can be only one item with one code in the system;
  • Name* in Bulgarian
  • Name in English
  • Description in Bulgarian
  • Description in English
  • Item type* – possible values:
    • item – an item/item whose availability is the result of an order from a supplier;
    • material – an article primarily intended for use in manufacturing;
    • product – an item whose availability is the result of a prescription manufacturing process;
    • BOM – Bill of Materials (BOM), a commercial package of goods and services with non-cash quantities;
    • one-off service – a service that is bought or sold once
  • Control type – possible values:
    • blank field – no control type;
    • serial – serial number;
    • barcode – batch (barcode);
  • EAN/Barcodes – codes associated with the item used with barcode readers;
  • Supplier UIC number – the supplier must have been previously created in the system;
  • Supplier Code – the item code used by the supplier;
  • Brand name – the brand name must be previously created in the system;
  • Group level 1*
  • Group level 2
  • Group level 3
  • Group level 4
  • Unit name* – name of a measure entered in the system. The unit of measure must be previously created in the system;
  • Si measure of a unit of measure – si label (measure) of a measure entered in the system. Used if there is no unit name entered;
  • Weight
  • Height – a number for overall size;
  • Width – number for overall size;
  • Depth – number for gauge size;
  • Number of decimal places for quantity – indicate to which place the values of the unit of quantity will be rounded
  • Number of decimal places for unit price – indicate to which place the unit price values will be rounded
  • Item status – possible values:
    • work or active – item in use
    • archive or archived – an archived item cannot be operated on

* Fields marked with this symbol are required.

Parameters per item (characteristics)

The characteristics of the items must be pre-created and associated with the groups of goods. If you fill in an item characteristic that is not normally associated with the item group, the information will not be recorded on import.

For features that are redefined lists (colors, for example), the values must be pre-entered into the system. If you fill in a value that is not entered on import the system will give an error.

Note that the features and price lists described are only examples for import and your file may contain different/additional ones than these!

Често срещани проблеми

Внимание! Системата не се грижи за логическа вярност на данните! Ако данните които импортирате са в правилния формат съответните записи ще бъдат създадени.

Няма undo на вече създадени записи след импорт - проверявайте внимателно данните които импортирате. Внимавайте да не създадете голям обем грешни записи, които после трябва да триете или коригирате един по един.

Автоматичното интелигентно форматиране на съдържанието на ексела понякога създава неприятни проблеми. Често срещани казуси, за които да внимавате:

  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на числа много често се преформатират до число. Например текстово поле с телефонни номера, започващи с "088" могат да се преформатират до "88", като изчезне започващата "0"
  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на дата се преформатират до дата. Например "010203" може да се преформатира до "01.02.2003"
  • Импортът не работи с формули и референции!