Import of contractors

Administration > Deployment > System Settings

To import contractors into the system, first download a blank import form from the Download Form button.

Description of the columns


Note that only the standard import columns are described and your file may have different/additional columns than these:

  • Counterparty Type* – text field, to be filled in according to the existing Counterparty Types nomenclature (CRM > Settings Counterparties >Counterparty Types, Status, Features).
    • If the counterparty is of type Customer or Supplier, fill in the value for the corresponding type. For example, if you have Customers with two subtypes “Retail Customers” and “Wholesale Customers”, the “Retail Customers” subtype is filled in.
    • If the counterparty is of more than one type, they are listed with a comma – e.g. “Retail Customer, Supplier”;
  • Name* – a text field with the customer’s name. If the customer is an individual, the name will be entered in three fields – first name, last name and family name. For example, Ivan Ivanov would become the first name Ivan and the last name Ivanov. Ivan Petrov Ivanov will become first name Ivan, surname Petrov and last name Ivanov;
  • Alias – a text field with the client’s alias. It is used for easier search of contractors when working with them. For example, a BILLA contractor with the alias BILLA will come up as a result either way you look at it;
  • Person type* – possible values Natural person / Legal person;
  • UIC/EIN – unique field, you can only have one contractor with a specific UIC/EIN in the system;
  • VAT – tax number, unique field, you can only have one counterparty with a specific tax number in the system;
  • MOL – name of the MOL for legal entities;
  • Country
  • District
  • Location
  • Quarterly
  • Street – street name
  • Number – street number
  • Block
  • Login
  • Floor
  • Apartment
  • Postal code
  • Address – a field for a general description of the address, to be filled in if you do not have data for detailed address input by fields;
  • Phone – phone number. You can enter more than one phone number separated by commas;
  • Fax –
  • Email – email to work with the contractor. You can enter more than one email separated by commas;
  • Price list – enter the code of an existing price list. The code can be viewed at P&S > Pricing Policies > Price Lists Customers.
    • Only the exceptions are introduced. If you want the contractor to work under the general rules and commercial policies, leave the field blank;
    • If the counterparty is of type Customer, the selected price list will be assigned as a sales price list and will be taken with the highest priority when creating a sale;
    • If the contractor is of type Supplier, the selected price list will be assigned to it as a supply price list;
    • The price list must have been previously created in the system.
  • Note – text note for the counterparty
  • Comment
  • Merchant – name of the user responsible for the customer. The user must be previously created in the system.
  • Status
  • Active/Archived- specify whether the counterparty is active or archived. If you leave the field blank, the counterparty will be imported with the status active.
  • Foreign person/foreign company
  • Bank statement import package – service feature, valid only for Bank type counterparties.

* Fields marked with this symbol are required.


  • Counterparty Name* – a field to locate which counterparty to associate the address with
  • Country
  • District
  • Location
  • Street – street name
  • Number – street number
  • Quarterly
  • Block
  • Login
  • Floor
  • Apartment
  • Postal code
  • Address – a field for a general description of the address, to be filled in if you do not have the data to enter the address in detail by field;
  • Telephone – telephone number for the specific address/office of the contractor. You can enter more than one phone number separated by commas;
  • Fax
  • Email – email to work with the specific address/office of the contractor. You can enter more than one email separated by commas;
  • Note

* Fields marked with this symbol are required.

Contact persons

  • Counterparty Name* – a field to locate which counterparty to associate the address with
  • Names of contact person
  • EGN
  • Telephone -personal/business telephone number. You can enter more than one phone number separated by commas;
  • Fax
  • Email – personal/work email. You can enter more than one email separated by commas;
  • Note
  • Office – name of the office where the contact person works/is located;
  • Department
  • Position – position of the contact person;

* Fields marked with this symbol are required.

Често срещани проблеми

Внимание! Системата не се грижи за логическа вярност на данните! Ако данните които импортирате са в правилния формат съответните записи ще бъдат създадени.

Няма undo на вече създадени записи след импорт - проверявайте внимателно данните които импортирате. Внимавайте да не създадете голям обем грешни записи, които после трябва да триете или коригирате един по един.

Автоматичното интелигентно форматиране на съдържанието на ексела понякога създава неприятни проблеми. Често срещани казуси, за които да внимавате:

  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на числа много често се преформатират до число. Например текстово поле с телефонни номера, започващи с "088" могат да се преформатират до "88", като изчезне започващата "0"
  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на дата се преформатират до дата. Например "010203" може да се преформатира до "01.02.2003"
  • Импортът не работи с формули и референции!

Import of contractors with existing data in the system

Проверка за съвпадения на импортираните данни с вече съществуващите в системата. При открити съвпадения, системата редактира данните с импортираните.

На първо място задължително се прави проверка по въведено ЕИК/Данъчен номер/ЕГН.


  • Проверявай имейл
  • Проверявай телефон
  • Проверявай фамилия (Ф.Л.) - само за контрагенти от тип физическо лице

Системата проверява за съвпадение по което и да е от въведените полета в последователност Имейл > Телефон > Фамилия

Лица за контакти

  • Проверявай имейл
  • Проверявай телефон

Системата проверява за съвпадение по което и да е от въведените полета в последователност Имейл > Телефон, като лицето за контакт задължително трябва да съвпада със свързания контрагент. Ако не съвпада със свързания контрагент ще бъде създадено ново лице за контакти към указания в импорта контрагент.
