
Users in Prim.IO are the people (employees) who work with the ERP system. They have their own unique username and personal password to log in. The individual username and personal password ensure that the individual actions of users (issuing, editing, cancelling documents) can be recorded and – respectively – tracked later.

A user can only be logged in from one location at a time! When you log in, it automatically logs out all other sessions with the current user.

Users are placed in roles that are equivalent to positions within the company. A user can participate in one, two or multiple roles. The role or roles in which the user is placed largely determines what access they will have to the various functionalities of the system. For example, whether he will be able to issue financial documents, whether he will be able to see the Finance menu at all, whether he will be able to see the stock, etc. Persons materially responsible shall be indicated for cash registers, bank accounts and warehouses.

The types of users in the system are:


Service users come installed with the system. They are used for official functions and cannot be deleted. Not involved in determining the number of users of a particular company.


Administrators are the key users in the system who have rights to create users, roles and configure the system. Usually it’s the user we’re communicating with an implementation consultant about that has exclusive rights.

Active users

Active users are the people who actively use the functionalities of the system to which they have access. Participates in the division of the number of users of the specific company.

Inactive user

The inactive user is created in order to reflect an employee who will not actually work with the system, butmust be present in various functionalities for the needs of the company. Present as an option in various interfaces and software modules. Not involved in determining the number of users of a particular company.

Blocked user

The blocked user has suspended privileges and cannot log into the system. Everything created by him in the software is present as documents, operations, history. It is present as an option in various interfaces and modules of the software. Not involved in determining the number of users of a particular company.

Archived user

The archived user is an active user with suspended privileges. He doesn’t use the system, but everything created by him remains as documents, operations, history. Archived users do not participate as a choice in the system interfaces. Not involved in determining the number of users of a particular company.
