
The roles in Prim.IO are synonymous with the positions in the company using the system. Users are placed in roles and this controls much of the access rights to Prim.IO menus and functionality. A user can participate in one, two or multiple roles.

A user can participate in multiple roles, and his rights become the sum of the rights of all the roles in which he participates.

Putting users into roles allows you to work not with a specific user, but with an entire group of users. This makes it easier to determine what permissions people in a role get, for example whether those in a Sales Consultant role will be able to issue financial documents, whether they will be able to see the entire Finance menu, whether they will be able to see stock, etc. The exception to this are the rights of the materially responsible persons, which are personal. Persons materially responsible shall be indicated for cash registers, bank accounts and warehouses.

Working with roles also simplifies internal work because you don’t need to reference tasks to a specific employee, but to a role. For example, if something needs to be checked by accounting, just point it to the “Accounting” role and all users placed in the role will get the task.

Roles in the system are arranged in a hierarchical structure. This is useful because at various points the functionality allows escalation (moving up one level on a task) and referencing users down the hierarchy.

Първоначално системата идва с предварително заредени роли по подразбиране и указани права за тях. Препръчваме на нашите клиенти да ги изпозлват и доразвиват, защото това би спестило много труд по настройване на правата. Тези роли, разбира се, могат да се трият, редактират и да бъдат добавени нови. Често в настройката на организацията, създаваме няколко паралелни йерархии от роли. Например, първата по длъжности, а втората по проекти. Това улеснява в последствие фината настройка на това, кой до какво има достъп.

When adding new roles, note that you need to manually specify what access they should get.

Role management

Manage roles from Administration > Setup > Roles

On the screen you see Heather (1) and List (2).

In the Header, you see an Add button that allows you to add a role.

Бутони за възможни действия в таблицата:
Имайте предвид, че показаните са само примерни и вашата система може да съдържа различни / допълнителни роли от тези!