Document statuses

Document statuses are used to better keep track of the document handling process. They are particularly useful for filtering when handling high volumes of sales and showing which is the next step in managing different processes.

Document Status Description
For Sale Active

The sale does not have one or more of the following three subsequent documents:

  • no financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) has been issued for the full amount;
  • No payment on the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery) for the full amount;
  • there is no final stock document (removal from stock), i.e. the goods have not been handed over to the customer.
For Sale Completed

All subsequent documents have been issued on the sale:

  • a financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) has been issued for the full amount;
  • there is a payment for the full amount of the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery);
  • there is a final warehouse document (removal from stock), i.e. all of the goods have been handed over to the customer.
For Sale Cancelled

The sale has been cancelled.

Order Active

The order does not have one or more of the following three follow-up documents:

  • no financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) has been issued for the full amount;
  • No payment on the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery) for the full amount;
  • there is no final stock document (removal from stock), i.e. the goods have not been handed over to the customer.
  • All subsequent documents have been issued on the sale:
Order Confirmed

All subsequent documents have been issued under the contract:

  • a financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) has been issued for the full amount;
  • there is a payment for the full amount of the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery);
  • there is a final warehouse document (removal from stock), i.e. all of the goods have been handed over to the customer. one or more of the following three subsequent documents:
Order Cancelled

Order cancelled.

Financial document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Active/Unpaid

There is no payment or partial payment on the financial document which does not fully cover the obligation/receipt to/from the counterparty. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured black.

Financial document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Completed/Paid

A payment or payments for the full amount is recorded on the financial document.

Financial document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Overdue

There is no payment or partial payment on the financial document, which does not fully cover the obligation/receipt to/from the counterparty, and the final payment date is before the current moment. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured red.

Financial document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Cancelled

The financial document has been cancelled.

Stock document Active Stock document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Confirmed Stock document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Regular Stock document: invoice, receipt, cash voucher Cancelled

The warehouse document has been cancelled.

Payment document: payment voucher, payment voucher, debit, credit, money transfer Active

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Payment document: payment voucher, payment voucher, debit, credit, money transfer Distributed by

text text text

Payment document: payment voucher, payment voucher, debit, credit, money transfer Unallocated

text text text

Payment document: payment voucher, payment voucher, debit, credit, money transfer Cancelled

text text text

Status at sale:

A status of “active” means that one or more of the following three follow-up documents are not on it:

  • no financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) has been issued;
  • no payment on the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery);
  • there is no final stock document (removal from stock), i.e. the goods have not been handed over to the customer.

In the sales list, the line that contains the document is colored black.

Confirmed status means that all three subsequent documents have been issued- financial document(s), payment, final stock document. In the sales list, the row that contains the document is colored green.

A status of cancelled means that the document has been cancelled. In the sales list, the row that contains the document is colored gray.

Status of orders:

The “active” status of an order means that it does not have one or more of the following three follow-up documents:

  • no financial document (invoice, receipt, cash voucher) entered
  • there is no payment on the financial document ( COD, bank, cash on delivery)
  • there is no final warehouse document (warehousing), i.e. the goods have not entered your warehouse.

In the order list, the row that contains the document is colored black.

Confirmed status means that all three subsequent documents have been issued (financial document, payment, warehouse document).In the order list, the line containing the document is coloured green.

Status cancelled means that the order has been cancelled. In the order list, the row that contains the document is colored gray.

Status of financial documents:

Paid = closed – the financial document is 100% paid. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured green.
Unpaid = active – the financial document has no payment or a partial payment that does not fully cover the obligation/receipt to/from the counterparty. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured black.
Overdue- the financial document has no payment or a partial payment that does not fully cover the obligation/receipt to/from the counterparty and the final payment date is before the current time. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured red.
Cancelled- the financial document has been cancelled. In the list of invoices, the line containing the document is coloured grey.

Statuses in warehouse documents:

Regular in storage, discharge, revision, scrapping
Canceled upon glazing


Status of payment documents:

Allocated – the entire amount of the payment has been allocated to financial documents
Unallocated- all or part of the amount has not been allocated on financial documents
Cancelled – payment cancelled
