Attachments in file

Prim.IO allows an unlimited number of files in different formats to be attached to each document file, counterparty file, and a number of other locations in the system.
The attachment interface is universal and is handled the same way no matter where it is located. Most often present as a separate tab in document or counterparty files.

Uploading files

(1) Uploading files via drag and drop

Find the file you want to upload on your computer or other device you are using. Press and hold the mouse button or other pointing device on it to “grab” it. Move it to the indicated field (1) by dragging and “release” it by releasing the button. Placing the file directly uploads it to the system and it is listed in the right field (3).

(2) Upload files via Choose Files button

Click the Choose Files button. It will open the directory on your computer or other device you are using. Find the desired file, select it and confirm the upload. The confirmation directly uploads the file to the system and it is listed in the right field (3).

Manage attachments

(1) Table with information about uploaded files

Column name Description
Ability to search and filter the table
File name Displays the name of the uploaded file.
Size Displays the file size in kB.
Date of upload Exact date and time of file upload.
Date of last change When a change was made to the file. Taken from the metadata is the file itself.
Uploaded by Indicates which user uploaded the file.

(2) Additional checkers

Checker Description
Show the pictures Adds a column view of the uploaded images to the table. By hovering over an image, it automatically opens in a larger size. Closes when mouse is moved away from the image
Show map Changes the table view.
Show deleted Adds the deleted files to the list.   class= The deleted files are crossed out and colored a pale gray, as you can see in the screenshot above.

(3) Download attachment

You can download any attachment by clicking . This starts a download of the file to your computer or other device.

(4) Delete attachment

Attachments can be deleted by clicking . Note that although they have been deleted, they are still in the system and will appear when you tick the ‘show deleted’ checkbox.
