Create an Offer

Interface for creating an offer. The screen is divided into several parts: Header (1), Contractor (2), Company Data (3), Transmission Method (4), Financial Document (5), Payment (6), Document Data (7), Lines (8), Total (9), Description and Note (10) and Configuration of the way to add lines (11).

Header (1)

In the Header (1) you see the name of the document you are creating and two buttons for Confirm and Cancel.

Contractor (2)

In the Counterparty section (2) you can select an existing counterparty (Search) or add a new one (Create). You can also view and edit the contractor’s file.

Company data (3)

In Company Details (3) you need to select the POS you will be selling from, the Type of Sale and the Merchant of Sale.

All the options of Transmission Method (4), Financial Document (5), Payment (6) depend on the setting of Sale Type you have selected.

The settings made in the offer are not final, they do not generate subsequent documents. All selected options are carried over to the sale when the offer is converted to one. In the sale can be exchanged.

Mode of transmission (4)

In the Transmission section (4) you select the method of transmission of the goods. The possible ways are:

Direct toThe delivery of the goods is immediate – the customer takes the goods.
From stockUsed in case the customer goes to the warehouse to pick up the goods.
DeliveryThe goods will be delivered to the customer. If you select this option, three additional fields will appear:
method of delivery ( choose courier, own transport, customer’s transport)
delivery address in the Contractor field (2), where you need to specify to which address of the customer the goods will be delivered.
Blocking. You need to choose where the goods will be discharged from, as well as where they will be blocked until you get them out of the warehouse.
SuspendedThe handover of the goods will be delayed.

Financial document (5)

In the Document section (5), select the financial document. Choose between:

  • Cash voucher
  • Invoice
  • Receipt

Additionally, you have the option terms of the financial document:

  • Tax transaction – you can select a different tax transaction than the default one.
  • Payment term- an optional field for the payment term of the financial document appears if you have selected any type of deferred payment in Payment (6).

Payment (6)

In Payment (6) you must select the payment method of the sale. The options are:

In cashPayment in cash
By bankPayment will be made by bank transfer.
Payment on deliveryUsed when sending parcels by courier.
POS payment/ by cardBank Credit in an account selected for card payments.
Mixed paymentPKO and Bank Credit in the account selected for card payments.
WFPIt is used when sending parcels by a licensed courier.
Other types of paymentsDepending on the specifics of the system, other payment methods can be created.

Document details (7)

Document data (7) includes the following parameters:

Document numberThe document number is automatically generated according to the set numbering rules. The date and time are also saved.
Manual numberChecking “Manual Number” makes the Number field free for typing. The user decides what number the document will be.
Counterparty numberCustomer offer number. It is used in case you already know what number the client will use to reflect the document in his system.
Date of documentDate of issue of the document. Automatically loads current date, but can be changed by the user.
CurrencyThe currency of the document is selected from the list of currencies already entered.
Exchange rateExchange rate value for the day according to BNB. Can be changed manually by double clicking in the field.

Lines (8)

In the Lines section (8) you can manually enter items and services or add items/services via an XLS file.

Adding an item and/or service is done by clicking the button with the corresponding name. Initially you are loaded with an interface with all items/services from the inventory, and you can set it to display only the available items. The interface consists of Filter (1) and Result (2):

In the free Search box you can search by word, code, brand, etc. to find the item or service you want. You also have the option to include an Advanced Filter with Categories, Brand, Features and Supplier, which can help you find the item/service faster. In addition, you can further filter by available items only. The search is launched with the Magnifying Glass on the left, and the Hicks clears all filters.

The items/services found according to the criteria set by the Filter are ranked in the Result (2). The table consists of the following columns:

+ buttonAdds the item/service to the offer lines ( when adding items quickly) or opens the interface for adding item/service details.
CodeItem/service code
NameName of item/service
Info buttonOpens item/service file
FreeHow many pieces are left free in the warehouse adjacent to the POS.
Minimum priceOptional when setting the Sale Type
Final pricePrice list Final price

Note that the view of this screen largely depends on the setting of the Type of Sale that is used, so the columns and options may vary. The same applies to the Price List columns such as Final Price.

The added items and/or services are arranged in Row (8) in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
CodeArticle code
Name Item name
DescriptionDescription of the article
MeasureMeasure of the item
QuantityAvailability of item
PriceItem price without taxes
Final amountAmount with taxes

You can also include additional columns above the rows:

Column Description
BatchIndicates if the item is in a batch.
Weight Displays the weight of the item as set in its file.
VolumeDisplays the volume of the item as set in its file.
AvailabilityDisplays the availability of the item in the warehouse tied to the POS.
Price listPrice list used for the sale
Discount Displays the % discount by line and/or discount by document. When both discounts are applied, their percentage is automatically calculated.
Final price Shows final amount with taxes.
TaxesShows the taxes of the order

The system calculates the total of all lines. But note the following:

The system takes the final price in the sale, multiplies it by the rate, rounds to the second digit, and then divides by the quantity to calculate the unit price. So the final price is correct relative to the exchange rate, but the unit price may vary. It is not the unit price that is leading because differences in the final price would result.

Total (9)

The Total section (9) gives you information about all the totals of the sale you are creating in the following fields:

CurrencyCurrency of
SumTax base
TaxValue of the tax, and %
Total amountFinal sale amount = tax base + taxes

In case you have rows with different tax rates, the Total (9) will display separate fields for each different VAT value as well as the % VAT.

Basis and Note (10)

In the field Reason (10) the reason for the transaction is filled in free text. The reason is displayed on the printed form of the sale.

You may fill in Note (10 ) with whatever information you feel is necessary in free text. The note is not displayed on the printed form, but is rather for internal use.

Configuration of how to add rows (11)

The ways to add items and services are managed by the Row Add Method Configuration (11).

Views of Screen Items

The two options- Inner and Side view are changed by placing a tick in the desired view in Configuration (11). They are handled in the same way.

A way to add positions

Adding items can also be changed, unlike Views, here the change is functional. The main difference between Detail Screen and Quick is the poisoning of the pop-up to add item detail service. In Detail, there is a pop-up, and in Quick, your lines are added automatically after you press the green plus in the item/services list. See the difference in the following video:

The last function of Configuration of how to add rows (11) is Open Financial Document.

If you check this option, then after the sale is generated, if there is also an automatically generated financial document, then its file will load on your screen.

To save your changes, you need to click the Confirm button. If you want to exit without saving your changes, you need to click the Close button.
